


Why Happy People Cheat


You don't necessarily have to be in a bad place to want to cheat. One of the biggest myths about cheating is that only depressed or angry or sad people cheat. And what we mean by that is people who are unhappy in their relationship. After all, if they are unhappy in their relationship it makes sense they would look for satisfaction elsewhere. However it is just as likely that a person who is happy in their relationship will cheat. In fact, it is very common! So why do happy people cheat? There are lots of different reasons that we will get into below, from how some people don't think of cheating as a bad thing to why you don't have to be unhappy in order to cheat.

Busting A Cheating Myth: Happy People Do Cheat

Like we've been saying: happy people cheat. It's true! Even a person who is super happy in their relationship and thinks it's the best thing ever can cheat. It's time to end this myth that cheating has to come from a negative place. This is because so much of society perceives cheating as something negative, therefor the person doing it must be feeling negative as well. Right? Nope, wrong! How people think about cheating determines whether or not they could cheat if they were happy. If you are okay with cheating and think it's okay, you are definitely more likely to cheat even if you are happy. Maybe even because you are happy! So if you are wanting to have yourself a happy affair, start thinking more positively about the concept of cheating.


Affairs And Cheating Aren't Necessarily Bad


And that brings us perfectly to our next point: affairs and cheating aren't necessarily bad. We say this all the time and admittedly it's hard to take to heart. That's because we've been raising and conditioned to see cheating as this bad thing. So how can we change that? Well, if you are thinking about having an affair, look at all of the pros as well as the cons. Sure, you could get caught. But also you could have a great time and get laid and fulfill yourself sexually and maybe even emotionally. If those things don't change your mind about cheating and affairs, we're not sure what will! it does take time, though. It takes both time and practice to retrain your brain to finding the good in cheating. But once you do find the good, you'll be well on your way to being able to have a happy affair!

It Really Depends On Your Relationship

Of course, an important factor of whether or not you look at cheating and affairs as bad things is your own relationship. If you have a partner who is more open to the concept of cheating, then chances are you will definitely be more likely to be able to have an affair, even if you are happy. And, of course, in order to be a happy person who cheats you have to be in a happy place and a happy relationship. This, unfortunately, is not the majority of people. Many affairs are born out of frustration or feeling like you aren't fulfilled. That definitely doesn't sound like a happy person to us! But to those of you lucky enough to be super happy with your life and relationship, rest assured that it is still totally possible that you could cheat—and enjoy it too!

How We View Cheating Is Slowly Changing

It's also good to know that how we view cheating is slowly starting to change. Many of the stigmas surrounding cheating are attached to women and not their partners. This is because traditionally women "belonged" to men and were considered their property. So, of course, it would look poorly upon the man if their partner was cheating. But the men in relationships were more or less allowed to do whatever they wanted, including having affairs. In the last quarter of a century, both men and women have become more discreet about their affairs and yes, women are having affairs too! (Although it is definitely more frowned upon than when men have affairs.) But even more recently there has been a movement of more open-minded couples who not only don't mind cheating but embrace it. There are so many more non-monogamous couples out there and it is only growing in popularity!

You Don't Have To Be Sad Or Depressed To Want To Cheat

Cheating is born from so many emotions but many people just attach it to being sad or depressed. However, statistics show that being sad or depressed is one of the last reasons that people cheat! After all, if you are legitimately feeling sad, the last thing on your mind is wanting to get laid (usually!). In fact, one of the most popular feelings that can cause someone to cheat is a feeling of boredom. The second most popular, according to statistics, is feeling frustrated and not getting sexually fulfilled. Frustration and Boredom, while still slightly negative emotions, are a far cry from being sad or depressed! This just goes to show that there are so many feelings and reasons behind why people cheat, including being happy.

Some People Just Love Cheating

Sometimes people don't need a feeling or emotion. Some people just love cheating. You could even say that it makes them happy. So, they sort of do fall into the happy feeling category! But what we really mean is that for many they don't even need or want a reason. They love cheating and love how it gets them off so they are always going to seek it out no matter what sort of mood they are in. But overwhelmingly the people who love to cheat are generally in a good mood about it. After all, through having an affair they are getting exactly what they want so there's plenty to be happy about there!

Planning An Affair Is Easier To Do When You Are Happy Anyway!

We hinted at this above but it's worth repeating again: when you are not in ah happy mood it can be hard to want to engage in an affair. Seriously! Yes, affairs can be born out of frustration or anger or boredom but in general if you are not in a semi good mood, executing an affair can be the last thing you want to do. This is because affairs take time and planning. Well, at least, successful affairs do! After all, you need to be organized and have all of your bases covered in order not to get caught. And if you are not in a good headspace for that it can be near impossible to commit.

Relationships Are Different Now

Another important thing to consider about why happy people cheat is that relationships are different now. Centuries ago, women were the property of men and not allowed to do anything without their permission. Yes, they still carried on with affairs but at the risk of being severely punished! And even two decades ago, women were still traditionally considered the property of men. They wouldn't get beheaded if they were caught stepping out but it was still hard to have a lot of freedom. All of that has been changing in the last decade or so. There are way more open relationships than ever before. Divorce doesn't carry the same sort of stigma that it used to. And because of these new mindsets, the overall feeling about cheating is also changing. Couples go to swingers clubs; partners are encouraged to take on lovers. It's a whole new world of affairs now!

Some Couples Even Have An Arrangement

Yes, like we just mentioned some couples even have specific arrangements. They may indulge in a swingers club together or have special rules that allow them to "cheat" without it being considered cheating. Like we said, relationships are totally different now! It's kind of exciting, especially for women. For so long they weren't allowed to have any agency in their relationships but now they are more free to explore themselves. Sometimes you can find out a lot about yourself through an affair or cheating! This is why it can be so good to cheat and exactly why happy people can cheat! Of course, it takes a lot of work and communication to get to a place where you and your partner can feel okay about openly cheating or having some sort of arrangement. In fact, many couples try and do not succeed at having this kind of relationship. It is totally worth trying for yourself, though!

People Have Different Ideas About Monogamy And Sex Now

Even 20 years ago, monogamy was very serious and marriage was one of the most sacred acts. Now things are different. While people are still certainly getting married, they are building up relationships that are totally different. Many couples don't see the point in having sex with only their partner. While they are married to their partner and want to spend their lives with them, that doesn't translate into only having sex with them. This more open mindset about sex and relationships is what has changed the cheating and affairs landscape. Less people are sneaking around about their affairs and more people are exploring out in the open. Of course this is a very small sampling of people still but we impinge that relationships will continue to grow and morph as the years go on.

Cheating Can Be Adventurous And Selfish, Which People Value More Now

Another factor to consider when it comes to happy people cheating is that more recently people have been focusing more on themselves. Years ago, the focus was always on the spouse and the relationship. People would sacrifice their own wants and needs for the relationship. This is no longer the norm! In fact, people are starting to get more selfish about their sexuality. And we mean "selfish" in the best way possible. Instead of catering only to their partner and societal expectations, people are starting to listen to their bodies and what they want. And sometimes that is an affair!

Women Especially Don't Want To Feel Owned

We've mentioned a few times that women traditionally have more or less been "owned" when they are in a long term relationship or married. In fact, marriage was literally the sale of a woman from her father to her husband. Women don't want to feel this way anymore—and can you blame them? They want to have agency and be able to make their own decisions when it comes to there sexuality. That is why an affair and cheating can be the perfect answer! Women are more often finding themselves in affairs and that is pretty exciting.

Sometimes Cheating Can Actually Make You Happy

There are also occasions where people who are unhappy engage in an affair and it makes them happy. This isn't the exact same as happy people cheating but it's along the same line for sure! While we recommend being happy before you jump into an affair, sometimes if you are feeling down the perfect cure is to engage in an affair. And affair can make you feel better about yourself, can make you feel sexy, and can make you feel valued. Those are all great things! So even if you enter into an affair not feeling the best, you can certainly exit an affair feeling even better.

There are a lot of positive things about cheating, which is exactly why happy people cheat!

We hope now you are looking at cheating a little bit differently. We hope that maybe you are even thinking about cheating yourself. After all, if happy people are cheating then you should be too! The most important thing to remember that cheating doesn't have to be a bad thing. Once you've got that in your head, it is much easier to be a happy person who cheats!

Why Happy People Cheat - Lonelywifehookups

Cheating isn't just for sad or angry people. It is just as likely that a person who is happy in their relationship will cheat. We delve into why exactly!

Why Happy People Cheat - Lonelywifehookups