


How To Get Your Groove Back Like Stella Did: The Definitive Guide


Is your dating life less like a rom-com and more like a horror film? Don't despair, this is one of the most common gripes we here at LonelyWifeHookups. "How To Get Your Groove Back Like Stella Did: The Definitive Guide" isn't going to tell you how to fake being sexy or make people think you have your groove back.

This guide is going to tell you how to authentically get your groove back so that when suitors come calling - you won't care.

Whether you're a divorcée, newly single, or long-time single - you can easily lose your mojo without even noticing. Then, one day you wake up and realize you're missing something. Maybe you can't quite place your finger on it. We're here to tell you, you haven't lost your groove forever - it's still there. Your worth isn't defined by who you're dating or what you do for a job, but living your best life will make you a magnet for everything you want - including younger men, wealth, and a fulfilling life.

1. Get Clear On What You Want

If you can't get clear on what you want, you're going to find it near impossible to get your groove back. If you want to start feeling better, get the most out of life, and date the kinds of men that you dream of - you have to know exactly what outcomes you're hoping to achieve.

Focusing on what you want will help prevent you focusing on what you don't want, and the mindset that squashed your groove in the first place. Go on, get out a piece of paper and write out what you want. Idea dump and then pick the top three things that make you happy.


2. Go On A Food And Dating Detox


Go on a food and dating detox. While you're filling your body with vegetables and food that minimizes bloating and lethargy, go on a dirtbag detox too. The best way to look good is to feel good. It's a lot harder to look good when your insides don't match your outsides. If you're constantly sucking your belly in, and dragging yourself around town because you're eating too many carbs - then it's time to change.

No Band-Aid can fix your bad habits with food and men. Once you figure out what you want, how can you apply that to your eating and dating habits? If you're filling your body with junk food, can you truly get your groove back? If you're dating older men who treat you poorly, how're you supposed to get your groove back? Eating fresh and dating fresh is important. Head out to cougar bar and have a little fun! There are tons of young men desperate to hook up with a sexy, older woman - just like you.

3. Live Fast, Date Young

Dating a younger, more inexperienced man is fun and it keeps things light. You don't have to worry about talks of the future, kids, or jobs. They're also less likely to drop dead! When you date young, there are endless benefits - and most of all, it's the stress reduction. The main drawback to dating younger guys is that you might have to foot the bill for dinner sometimes, but it's a small price to pay for a more energizing sex life, a more impressed and eager lover, and a relationship that won't weigh you down.

When you hook up with younger men, it can help you feel younger. Why do you think so many men date younger women? Sleeping with attractive and virile studs will increase your sex appeal, energy levels, and it will more than get your groove back. Live fast, date young, groove on!

4. Put Your Hot Friends On Pause

One of the easiest ways to feel less than groove-fresh is to only go out with female friends who are more attractive than you. Even if they're only slightly hotter, or just a little less hot, put your hot friends on pause. No one wants to feel like the "grenade" in the group. If all of your friends are attractive, it's time to get some new ones - at least until you've got that groove back.

Ask the plain girl at the office, or one of your long-married friends to meet up for dinner. If you want a fun night out, where all male attention is on you - be the most desirable one. Just don't tell your friends that's what you're doing. Don't blatantly ditch your friend if a hunk comes along, but keep your eyes peeled and your mind open.

5. Change Your Routine

If you're feeling stuck in the rut, one of the quickest ways out of it is to change up your routine. You don't have to uproot anything - just change up your patterns. Change up your route to work, where you eat lunch, where you go for drinks, where you exercise, what you do on the weekend. Experience new things and be open to change. When you disrupt your routine - of course, not in a destructive way - you're telling your brain that you're ready to change. One of the main reasons people lose their groove is because they become comfortable in their habits. It's easy to fall into a depression when you do the same thing every day, and the same things happen every day. Even if you just make small changes, it can make a world of difference.

If you're not sure where to start, try reaching out to an old friend you haven't seen in a while. Go to a restaurant or bar that you'd never go to normally. Smile at a hot guy on the street! Most women are too shy to initiate flirting in the same manner that men do. Shake things up, and discover that there are lots of exciting possibilities out there for you.

6. Carry On With Your Carry-On

If changing your routine slightly isn't enough, then consider enjoying a little vacation! The best way to get your groove back Stella-style is to leave your worries behind and go to a completely new location. Ditch the emotional baggage at the baggage claim, and carry on with your carry-on. A change of pace, scenery, and people can do wonders for your mental and physical health. Whether you go on a trip with a girlfriend or you go solo, enjoying a chance to unwind is key to getting your groove back.

If you've been feeling lonely and depressed, get some Vitamin Sunshine and hook up with a younger man! Why not incorporate a few of the tips above and really enjoy your time away? If you want a guilt-free, no-strings week of passion - this is the perfect way to get it. If you're not sure how to meet men on vacation, the same rules apply. Check out local bars, the resort bars and pools, or turn on a dating app and see what's up!

7. Set Boundaries, Not Limitations

Our experts suggest that if you're feeling burned out, one of the easiest changes to make is to set boundaries with people. Laying down the law doesn't have to mean cutting off things you enjoy. Set boundaries, not limitations by getting clear on what you do and don't want to spend your time on. As women, we often get caught up in doing favors for our friends, and endless social engagements that add no value to our lives. This can be draining, repetitive, and sap all of the time you could spend on self-care and enjoyable tasks. Try saying 'no,' the next time someone asks you to do something that you don't want to. Once you get the hang of it, you'll find that your free time becomes easier to fill with potential things you enjoy. When you set boundaries, you lift the constraints on your happiness.

8. Self-Care, Don't Care

Do things that make you feel good without any goal other than doing it because it feels good. Take time to unwind, disconnect from social media, put your phone on silent, put your feet up, and pamper yourself. Spend some alone with yourself and reconnect with who you used to be. A day that's simply focused on your wellbeing can do wonders for your mindset and confidence - which in turn, makes you sexier and more magnetic. Self-care can include getting a mani-pedi, going to the salon, getting a massage, or taking yourself out to an expensive restaurant. Maybe you really miss spending time at the park or in bookstores. Whatever feeds your soul, that you haven't been doing enough of, do it starting today. Self-care energizes you and makes you calmer. Don't mistake tasks for self-care! If doing the laundry makes you feel less overwhelmed - great, but that's not self-care. Self-care, don't care - means whatever you do, should just be for you.

9. Find Your Passion

Whether your passion can be found in the bedroom or the boardroom, when you make time for what fills your heart with joy and excites you, you intensify that groove. Step into your passion, embrace your desires, and fight for what makes you happy. If you're not sure what that is, go back to number one. Get clear on what you want, what excites you, and what you can do to bring those goals into reality. There's nothing more attractive than a passionate woman doing what she loves.

If the reason your groove is feeling depleted is work-related, it can dampen every aspect of your life. When you're tired, stressed, and unhappy you become a less vibrant version of yourself. You stop taking care of yourself, stop eating properly, and stop thinking of yourself as the gorgeous, sexual being that you are. Find your passion and reconnect. If the things you're doing, and the life you're living is taking you away from your passion - figure out what you can cut out.

10. Say 'Yes'

Saying 'yes' is a trick that The Almighty Oprah uses to bring joy into her life. If you're feeling lost on what you want, and what to do, saying 'yes' to social engagements, opportunities, and opening yourself up to conversations with people you'd never normally engage with can open doors wide open. One of those doors could lead to the greatest transformation of your life.

Unlike number seven, which is all about saying 'no' in order to protect your boundaries, saying 'yes,' is all about creating new ones. If you're stuck in a rut, it could be because of the patterns you keep repeating and the monotony of the environment you're in. Saying 'yes' can transform your life.

One way to apply the 'say yes' rule is to dating. We here at LonelyWifeHookups aren't telling you to say 'yes' to any old Joe that asks you out - but to give men a chance you normally wouldn't. If they scream 'dud' right off the bat, use your discretion - but if they're not your normal type but seem like they might be fun, give it a shot! If you've only ever dated men your age, try dating younger! Being with someone a decade younger than you is freeing. You control your life, and you have total control of your groove flow.

The world is your oyster, and hot younger men are its pearls.

If you're looking to get your groove back like Stella, in more ways than one, we have a few ideas! If you want to hook up with a man way younger than you, check out this expert guide! If you've already been dating younger guys and want to know if they're relationship material, read

Does Your Hookup Want More From You? 6 Signs They Do. Your groove is just a mindset, and you are in complete control of that. You got this, girl!

How To Get Your Groove Back Like Stella Did - LonelyWifeHookups

Is your dating life less like a rom-com and more like a horror film? Don't despair, our guide will show you how to get your groove back like Stella did!

How To Get Your Groove Back Like Stella Did - LonelyWifeHookups