


How To Know She's In Her Prime

A woman in her prime is like a very fine wine. We refuse to apologize for this rhyme. It was totally worth it, and so is she! Let us prove it to you!

Welcome to Prime-Time


The best time to partake in anything is when it is in its prime. We all know this. That is why the best of the best are labeled accordingly.

Why have just any beef when you could have a succulent prime rib? Why bother with nightly television unless it's prime time programming? Multiple ministers sound like a lot of folks that help get the job done, but ya know, too many cooks! So how about a prime minister? Hello Canada! See what I mean?

The best time to strike is when the iron is hot. You need to familiarize yourself with what puts a woman in her prime so that you can recognize it and tap into a whole new level of what an experienced woman has to offer.

Prime Suspects

I'm going to start by taking the age out of it. You can't classify a woman as being in the height of her prime, just based on a number alone.

The years she spent on this earth mean shit if she hasn't achieved the level of success and confidence needed in order to exist in this freeing state. Some women move faster, others take their time. So rather than give you a fixed target, let's just look at what makes a woman reach the height of her individual prime.


She Has Found Her Success


A woman in her prime knows what she wants and goes after it. Success can be defined in many ways. Maybe she is making a lot of progress climbing the career ladder. Promotions with raises that allow her to whisk herself away to a tropical location and recharge her batteries. It could also mean getting positive recognition for the work she does or coming home each night feeling like she has done something good to help others. Maybe it's about feeling creatively fulfilled. Perhaps it's keeping a well-maintained and happy household filled with healthy, active kids.

A woman's success, however she defines it, plays an important role. It's a feeling of accomplishment. Like you've earned your downtime. Work hard, play harder. It releases endorphins. We can enjoy ourselves more when we feel like things are moving in the right direction. This is why people celebrate when they achieve goals.

For women, independence feels good. We don't want every day to be an uphill battle or intense struggle. Building a life certainly feels this way, especially as a young adult. A woman is in her prime when she has achieved success on her own terms and moves through her day to day life with a positive outlook and relaxed energy. Financial aspects of success are another indicator. If she is not worrying about money, she can do what she wants, when she wants, which is incredibly freeing.

She Maintains An Active, Healthy Lifestyle

A woman in her prime knows the value of self-care. Health is important to her because it allows her to make strides toward her goals. Active lifestyles are not only good for the body, but also for the mind and soul. She probably has a daily or even weekly routine. Her health and fitness regimen give her time to herself, and also offer her opportunities to socialize. Work can be stressful. So can home life. Taking time for her own mental and physical well-being not only gives her the benefit of strength, it also adds longevity to her youthful appearance. It all leads to a positive vibe. A glowing magnetism.

A health-conscious woman is also likely to participate in outdoor activities and hobbies. You can be adventurous together. Hiking, scuba diving, sailing. These are specific examples, but chances are she has the energy and spirit for it. An energetic person is practically ageless. It will benefit you to adopt her healthy habits and enjoy fun in the sun together.

She Looks Good

Women in their prime not only have the time, but they MAKE the time for this upkeep. It is important for them not only to appear put together but to FEEL put together. They aren't lazy about it, and they don't make excuses. These things just lead to slips in confidence levels. They care about their image. Not in an arrogant way by any stretch. They just know it is important to look good in order to feel good. At this juncture in their life, if things are going well, they have no reason not to let the one influence the other. Look good to feel good, or look as good as you feel. Let's be honest, aging is tough for anyone, but especially women.

There is a lot of pressure. So a woman in her prime also looks after her appearance so she can hold onto that confidence long term. They are well put-together. Their hair looks good, their skin glows, they wear clothing and accessories that heighten their spirits. They know how to dress by this point, and what makes them most attractive. They know how to work their sex appeal. So the simplest way to tell a woman in her prime by appearance is by how attractive you find them.

Holds Her Head Up With Confidence

The aforementioned points all lead to one place. Confidence. This is always key. Even when we are not confident we are told to "fake it til you make it". Clearly, we put a lot of importance on the appearance and presence of confidence in life. If she is healthy, successful, and looks good, then it's only natural people would be drawn to her. A person with confidence appears to have their shit figured out. She is not distracted by the pursuit of things she does not need. Her energy is light and drama free.

Insecurity is a turn off. Lucky for you, she has nothing to feel insecure about. A Woman in her prime the leader of her pack. She is the head cheerleader, the popular girl, only this is real life and she has been crushing it. She earned her title. She builds up the people around her. Confident people do not put others down. They want everyone to feel good about themselves. This means she will be supportive and reassuring. She's not the type to attack your ideas or opinions. She actively listens and puts her whole heart into her relationships and pursuits. The unconditional kindness of a confident woman is a very appealing attribute.

She Has A Healthy Sex Drive

A woman in her prime is driven. Not just motivated by the pursuit of success and overall happiness, she is also pleasure driven. Her desire levels are at an all-time high because she appreciates a healthy sex life as much as a pilates class or a day at the spa. Regular orgasms keep her satisfied, content, and her stress levels low. It's also biological and chemical. Changes in the body are naturally intensifying her urge to get busy. Lucky you! But actually, lucky her. She is becoming a little more sexually aggressive and taking what she wants when she wants it for one of two reasons. Either the body is itching to procreate, or it's moving past that stage and into one that holds less risk of pregnancy. Just because she is biologically programmed this way, doesn't mean she is looking settle down with a baby. Maybe she already has kids. Or perhaps she doesn't want them. Either way, dating a woman in her prime allows you to reap this very enticing benefit.

She Is Looking For a Good Time

Well, yes, in that obvious way you are probably thinking. But a woman in her prime is in a stage of her life where the stars are aligning. The struggle has lessened. The work and home balance have evened out. It's not time for her to enjoy all that good stuff life has to offer.

She is well-read. She actively pursues her interests. She doesn't let others dictate trends for her. She's outgrown that stage. She's practically an influencer, but without all those annoying, in your face qualities they tend to display. She can hold her own in conversation and debate. She likes to learn new things, and share her knowledge on lesser known topics. How is different? What makes a woman in her prime gravitate toward this sort of behavior? Time management. If it is important to her, she is going to make time for it. It is a luxury she affords herself because an active mind is as important as an active body.

She enjoys travel. She manages her time and finances to allow for it. She works hard, so it is only natural that she would want to take her downtime seriously. You can't get more serious than being a whole continent away from the office. She is after a serious recharge. Out there seeking adventure and exploration. She is probably well versed in planning, so making the arrangements is less stressful when she is at the helm. She is open to new experiences. Trying something she has never tried before. Going places she has never been.

She Is So Woke

It is said that a woman in her prime experiences a sexual awaking. While this is likely true, it goes hand in hand with a spiritual one. I don't mean she's rushing off to get to church on time or studying Tibetan Buddhism. It's more like a spiritual lease on life. She is self-reflective. She analyzes the choices she makes and tries to grasp a better understanding of who she is, and why she feels and acts the way she does. Then she decides what changes she needs to make to her life for her most optimal happiness, and puts those plans into action.

A woman in her prime is responsible. Do not confuse this with uptight. A responsible person has their shit together, but it does not mean that they are incapable of shedding those responsibilities from time to time. She can toss everything aside in favor of a good time whenever she chooses. The difference is that she has the forethought to allow for these occasions without having her life crumble around her.

She sports a positive attitude because she knows the ripple affect it has on the other areas of her life as well as the people around her. When you open your heart to someone, they open it to you. The same is true of you as a whole. When you offer yourself to the world, make yourself available to do good things, then the world returns those good things back to you. Even if just in the form of satisfaction and admiration. Don't you want to be with someone you respect and admire? The woman earns everything she gets and deserves the world. She has an unwavering respect for herself. THAT is the vibe she is putting out there. That is the vibe you are picking up on. It is powerful enough to envelop you and draw you into her world.

A woman in her prime has the power to change your life for the better. If you aren't intrigued by the portrait painted here, then you are missing out on what could be one of the most rewarding experiences of your life.

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How To Know She's In Her Prime - Lonelywifehookups.com

A woman in her prime is like a very fine wine. We refuse to apologize for this rhyme. It was totally worth it, and so is she! Let us prove it to you!

How To Know She's In Her Prime - Lonelywifehookups.com