


How To Tell If Your MILF Hookup Is Girlfriend Material


It's easy to become caught up in the passion of a new romance, especially if it's lust-fueled and feels forbidden. At some point in the relationship, you'll probably find yourself wondering whether or not the two of you are in it for the long haul.

Cougars don't play by the same rules as younger women. Here's how to tell if your MILF hookup is girlfriend material, or if she's just a fun dating detour. These ten signs can make or break your relationship:

1. She Gets Along With Your Friends

One tell-tale sign that your MILF hookup is girlfriend material is that she gets along with your friends. She should make you feel at ease when she's in the presence of your friends. If she makes the effort to genuinely engage in conversation with them, laugh at their jokes, and ask about you - she's likely looking to take your hookup to the next level. Getting along with your friends is key to making any MILF hookup successfully transition into a girlfriend. If your MILF bails on social situations with your pals all the time, always makes you leave early or doesn't put in the effort - she might not be girlfriend material. Trying to enjoy the company of your friends shows that she's invested in your relationship.


2. She's Introduced You To Her Friends


If your cougar has brought you to social functions with her pals, it means you're not her dirty little secret. If she's introduced you to her friends, it means she's taking your relationship seriously. She's getting her friend's opinions about you, and seriously considering them. If you're asked to a social function as her date, make sure to be on your best behavior. If you're polite, present yourself well, and put your focus on her and her needs - she's likely considering you for boyfriend material. The fact that she's putting in the time to vet you, means she cares about the relationship and wants it to last. Extra points if you've met her family, and you were introduced as her new beau. Starting off your relationship transparently is getting off on the right foot. If she's keeping you a secret from the people she cares about, it means she's not girlfriend material.

3. She Lets You Do Your Own Thing

If your mature hookup doesn't try and micromanage your life and tell you what to do, then she might be a keeper. Most cougars are confident in what they want and need, and that means not feeling insecure about what you're doing and where you are at all hours of the day. If she's constantly checking in on you and doesn't trust you, you might want to take a step back from the relationship. There's nothing worse than a jealous cougar. If she doesn't bat an eye when you talk to another woman or grill you about why you didn't pick up her call immediately - then you've found a woman who knows how to handle relationships maturely. That's one of the reasons you're so attracted to cougars anyway, right? When she lets you do your own thing, it means your hookup is officially girlfriend material.

4. You Respect Each Other

If your hookup truly appreciates you, it will be obvious in how she speaks to you. Does she engage with you like an equal? Does she listen to you and retain the information you share? Does she acknowledge your feelings and boundaries, and make an effort to respect them? If you answered 'yes' to all of the above, that hot MILF you're dating might just be girlfriend material! It's important that you respect each other, and it's a two-way street. Do you value her opinions, and listen when she speaks? If you find yourself tuning her out a lot, while she may be girlfriend material - she may not be the girlfriend for you!

Mature women also express their respect for their partners by trusting them with what they hold sacred. If she has children and has asked you to pick them up from school, invited you to meet her elderly parents, taken you to a private spot she cherishes, or shared private information with you then she's letting you in because she trusts you. If she asks your opinion before making important decisions - then she's factoring you into her future and values your feedback. When she respects you, it means it's safe to take your relationship to the next level. If she condescends to you often and speaks to you like a child, she's probably not girlfriend material.

5. She Doesn't Shut You Down When You Have 'The Talk'

If she doesn't shut you down when you have 'the talk,' it's because your hookup is also interested in seeing where your relationship goes.If your cougar talks about the things she'd like to do with you beyond the next week, month, or even year then she's seriously thinking about how you factor into her life.

If you express concern about something in the relationship, and she brushes you off or treats you like you're significantly younger than her - it could be because she doesn't care about your opinion. Often it's not intentional, and it can be addressed by communicating your feelings early into the relationship. If it continues after you've brought it up a couple of times, take it as a sign that she might have one foot out the door.

6. She Makes You Feel Good About Yourself

This might be an obvious sign, but most people don't reflect on how they really feel about their relationships. If the sex with your MILF is amazing, you might be telling yourself that the relationship is fine and dandy, but the truth could be a different story. If you want to make this cougar your girlfriend, then pay attention to your gut. If you feel stressed out a lot, that you're never enough, or that your MILF is just passing the time - it could be your own insecurities, or it could be that you know deep down she's not girlfriend material.

If you're a good match, she'll make you laugh, smile, want to be in her presence. She makes you feel good about yourself! You'll look forward to seeing her, and miss her when she's gone - and not just the sex! If she asks you how your day went, celebrates your successes, and consoles you when you're down, then your relationship could have a strong potential for the future.

7. She Puts In Effort To Make The Time To See You

If your MILF really values your company, she'll carve out time in her schedule to enjoy you. Squeezing you in for a quickie at lunch or a late night booty call doesn't count! If she's always setting the time and places and can't make your schedule work for her, then she's probably considering you as more of a convenient hookup. Being treated like a hot piece of young beef is great -- if you're not looking for a girlfriend or companion. If you want to take it to the next level there'll have to be give and take from both parties. If you're looking to make a true connection with a MILF for a long-term relationship, then don't settle for less than that. Make sure she puts in the effort to make the time to see you.

8. You Have Compatible Sex Drives And Desires

If you have compatible sex drives and desires, you're already ahead of the majority of the population. While people can change drastically over the course of a relationship, if you start off on the same page you're less likely to break up. It's common knowledge that mature women have higher sex drives, which makes them the perfect match for younger men. If you feel like equals in the bedroom, then you might be able to make this hookup into something long-lasting. The reason many women cheat on their husbands or leave them is because of incompatible needs in the bedroom. When you're not fulfilling what the other person wants, it's a countdown to when someone's going to cheat. If you're getting everything you need in the bedroom, that's a great sign. If you're not sure whether your sweetie is getting what she needs, then ask her. Women love to know that you're concerned with their sexual gratification and needs.

9. You Trust Each Other

All relationships are built on a foundation of trust. When there's a huge age gap, trust is even more important in bridging the differences you might have. When you trust each other, you can make any relationship work. If she's shown you she's reliable and trustworthy from the get-go, then you know she's girlfriend material. If you're constantly questioning her motives or the things she tells you, it could be because you can sense something is off. If you haven't really had the opportunity to find out if there's been a trust built, it seems like you're headed in the right direction if considering her for girlfriend material is on your mind.

You'll know if she trusts you because, similar to #4, she'll express that trust in you by not constantly making you explain yourself or worrying that you're going to mess things up. Often when one party doesn't feel trusted, it can lead to the dissolution of the relationship.

10. There Isn't An Ex Hovering In The Picture

Something most people don't consider until they're faced with it is the impact an ex can have on the future of a new relationship. If there's an ex your hookup can't seem to cut loose, or she's always bringing him up, then she's probably not girlfriend material. If there isn't an ex hovering in the picture, then count your lucky stars! While some mature women will have ex-husbands they split custody of children or pets with, if they're amicable it's a great sign she's mature and responsible. Finding a MILF with no baggage is fantastic!

If you have a MILF who's checking off all of the boxes, wow - you've found a keeper. Your MILF hookup is definitely girlfriend material, and it might be time to put a label on it! If you're ready to have the talk, approach it calmly with both ears open. Hear what she has to say. A great way to find out if she's ready for the talk is to ask her about her needs in the relationship. If she's open to talking about it, then you can naturally guide the conversation in that direction.

Find More MILF Help On LonelyWifeHookups.com

If you're not sure if the MILF you're with wants more from you, read Does Your Hookup Want More From You? 6 Signs They Do. If you're trying to snag yourself a cougar, a great resource is The "Where Do I Go To Hook Up With Older Women?" Guide. Good luck with your relationship! There's nothing better than a MILF!

How To Tell If Your MILF Hookup Is Girlfriend Material

Here's how to tell if your MILF hookup is girlfriend material, or if she's just a fun dating detour. These ten signs can make or break your relationship.

How To Tell If Your MILF Hookup Is Girlfriend Material