


Can Having An Affair Make Your Relationship Stronger?


The general consensus out there is that affairs are very bad and having an affair can mark the end of a relationship. But what if that wasn't true? What if an affair could actually make your relationship stronger? That may sound totally outrageous, we know. But it isn't! It turns out that an affair could potentially make your relationship stronger! However, it does depend on a lot of specific factors lining up, like who is having the affair, whether or not it's a secret, and what kind of affair it is.

Below we'll be delving into all of these factors so you can figure out if an affair could be beneficial for your relationship!

How You Feel About Affairs In General

Before we dive into the specifics about affairs, you need to decide how you feel about affairs in general. Are you open to the idea of an affair? Does it excite you or make you feel good?

If you are of the mindset that an affair is 100% bad then it is very likely than an affair will never make your relationship stronger. There's a slight possibility that something good could come out of a begrudging affair but you don't want to risk it. And it is okay if you are not into affairs! It's good to know that about yourself.


Who Is The One Having The Affair?


First up, one of the most important factors to consider is who is having the affair. Are you having the affair or is your partner? The reason that this is important is because it changes the perspective and the factor of control. Many people prefer to be the one having the affair and not the other partner. Which makes sense because having an affair is way more fun than your partner having an affair, right! Of course, this can be a bit of a double standard too. Many times the male partner of a relationship wants to be able to have an affair but he might not want his female partner to indulge as well. This boils down to control and men feeling like they own their partner. However, that's not fun at all, now is it? Nope!

If You Are Having The Affair

If you are having the affair and you are the one in control, likely you're feeling totally great about this decision. This is because you're the one who decided to have an affair. When you've decided to do something it only makes sense that you would be on board with it. And if you are the one who is having an affair, you are likely getting something out of it, and therefore you can feel super great and like it is making your relationship stronger. It's all a mindset thing, really.

If Your Partner Is The One Having The Affair

If your partner is the one having the affair, how they are feeling about it is out of your control. You can't control their feelings, after all. But you can control your feelings, so you have to decide if you are okay with your partner having an affair. If you are not okay with it, then obviously an affair from this perspective would not make your relationship stronger. In fact, it would definitely make it worse!

Who is having the affair can get a little complicated, but it can help you to sort out some feelings about affairs. Because at the end of the day, before you can find out if an affair will make your relationship stronger you have to decide how you feel about affairs. And who is participating in the affair can definitely have an affect on how you feel about them!

Is The Affair A Secret Or Out In The Open?

This may not seem like a big deal, but whether or not the affair is a secret can have an impact on whether or not it can make your relationship stronger. There are both good and bad things about whether or not an affair is a secret and its as a lot to do with who exactly knows.

The general consensus is that affairs could be kept secret. This is because usually the other partner would be upset if they found out. So on that hand, it could be better to keep an affair a secret. Sometimes what you don't know is better for you after all. Let's say you are the one having the affair but your partner doesn't know because they would be upset. But the affair is making you feel good and your sexual needs are getting met, so you are happy. That happiness will in turn make your relationship stronger!

On the flip side, there is also the chance that being open about your affair could have just as strong a positive impact on your relationship. If the affair is something that you and your partner have agreed upon then having them know about it or vice versa can be really great.

Now, while we do think it could be helpful for your relationship to keep your partner informed, the opposite goes for other people finding out. This is because there is such a stigma about having affairs. It is more likely than not that you or your partner will be negatively judged for engaging in an affair and that will definitely not have the best impact on your relationship. So in this regard, keep it to yourself!

How and When Did You or They Find Out

Another important factor to consider is how and when the affair was found out about. What we mean by this is whether or not it was on purpose. Above we went over how an affair being a secret or not can be good or bad. But it's important to remember that how it is found out can also factor in.

If the affair, regardless of who is having it, is put out in the open by the person having the affair, as in on purpose, it will likely be more well received. If it is found out by accident then it would likely have a more negative effect. That is because it can feel like lying and sneaking around on top of having the affair.

If It Was Before or After

The when is also important too. Likely if this is an arrangement with your partner and you are planning it all in advance, then you will both feel more involved and like you are being honest with each other. This can in turn make everything feel more positive and have a good effect on your relationship.

However, if the affair is discovered after it has happened, even if the person having the affair is the one doing the revealing, it could perhaps be less well received. It's all about creating a sense of open communication, trust, and respect for your partner.

So if you are wanting your affair to make your relationship stronger, then take some time to consider if you should let your partner know, and if so when. However, we can say right off the bat that if you are planning on revealing your affair to your partner, it is always better to do it before rather than after.

What Kind Of Affair Is It?

You may be thinking to yourself than an affair is an affair. Well, that just isn't true! There are lots of different kinds of affairs. And depending on what kind of affair you are having can have an impact on your relationship. There are positive affairs and negative affairs. For example, if you are having an affair because you are mad at your partner or not happy with your partner, then having an affair could exasperate those feelings. Sure, you could feel better, but it also may remind you that you are not happy in your relationship. So it's important to know what kind of affair you are getting into and whether or not it could have a positive impact on your relationship.

It's All About Perspective

At the end of the day, it's all about perspective. If you want your affair to have a positive impact on your relationship, then you need to think positive about affairs as well. If you go into an affair thinking it is a terrible thing then it could be hard to ever feel like it's making your relationship stronger. The same if your partner is having an affair to; you need to be able to think about it in the right way in order for it to help make your relationship stronger.

So we've gone over how you need to examine all of the moving parts of an affair to determine if it can have a positive impact on your relationship. Excellent! Now we'll drive into exactly what we mean when we say an affair can make your relationship stronger.

An Affair Can Spice Things Up

If you are feeling like you need a little bit of excitement or something new in your life, an affair may be the answer! This is especially true if you've been in your relationship for a long time. Things can start to feel stale and perhaps your partner isn't doing it for you. But an affair is something new and fresh. And by experiencing something new and fresh, it could improve your overall mood and outlook on things. By finding your excitement and spiciness elsewhere, it'll lessen the pressure on your actual relationship. It's a win-win situation!

An Affair Can Scratch An Itch

We're talking sexual itches here. Are you not getting satisfied sexually in your relationship? Well, an affair could be a great solution to that! Instead of pressuring your partner into performing when they aren't in the mood or feeling bitter about not getting any, you can get your sexual urges elsewhere. This could also help your partner feel better too and make them feel a lot less pressure. Again, it's another win-win!

No Matter What, Remember To Keep It Real

Another important thing to remember is to keep it real. And what we mean by this is, don't get caught up in the romance and drama of an affair. Your life isn't a romance novel or a lifetime movie! It involves real people and real feelings. Therefore you want to stay as grounded as possible. At the end of the day, you are finding some sort of satisfaction from someone other than your partner. That can be a challenging thing to navigate for the both of you. Just try not to forget that as you navigate your affair and it will lend to helping make your relationship stronger.

Make Sure You Are Happy

The last bit of advice we want to leave you with is perhaps the most important: make sure you are happy. You can follow every other bit of advice in this guide but if you aren't happy with your decisions and your affair then it will be near impossible for it to have a positive effect on your relationship. Make sure that throughout your affair you are always checking in to make sure you feel good and happy about your choices.

If you're having the right kind of affair for the right reasons it can definitely make your relationship stronger!

And there you have it: we've just laid out everything you need in order to make sure that your affair will help to make your relationship stronger. Just remember that you and your partner's feelings will go a long way to making both the affair and your relationship work out. So know what kind of affair you have, make sure you know what you are getting into, and follow all of the tips and always keep a good check on your feelings and everything will be a-o-k!

Can Having An Affair Make Your Relationship Stronger?

The general consensus is that affairs are bad. But what if an affair could really make your relationship stronger? Read on for everything you need to know!

Can Having An Affair Make Your Relationship Stronger?