


Does Your Hookup Want More From You? Here Are 6 Definitive Signs They Do


If you're wondering, 'Does my hookup want more from me?' read what experts say are the top signs they do, and the signs they just want to keep it casual. If your no-strings situation is going great, but you think they might be relationship material - they might be! First, ask yourself do you want more from your hookup? Whether it's a 'yes' or a 'no,' being aware of the signs can help you get what you want with as few hurt feelings as possible. If you're looking for something beyond a sexual relationship or a fling, does the other person know that? Are you still in the stages of feeling each other out? By learning what to look for, you can navigate the dating game with a clear head.

Our experts polled thousands of people to discover what differentiates a hookup from a relationship. If you're looking to settle down and commit to one person, then read our top advice below. Does your hookup want more from you? Here are 6 definitive signs they do:

1. They Initiate Texts, Phone Calls, And Dates

If your lover takes the time to initiate contact on a regular basis, and it's not just for a booty call - they're probably interested in more. If you don't have to chase your lover down and accommodate their schedule all the time, it probably means you're a priority. This is one of the clearest and easiest ways to identify that your hookup is interested in something more.

If your hookup initiates conversation and asks questions about you - and it's not just night when they're feeling amorous, then they're probably looking for more. There should be give-and-take in terms of making time for each other. Mature women often have a lot of obligations with work and family, but if she puts in the effort to work with your schedule - it's because she's taking the relationship seriously.


If your boy toy asks you about your day, and checks in frequently to see how you're doing, it's because his affection is growing for you. When it comes to lovers, if they initiate texts, phone calls, and dates - you can be assured they're serious about you.

2. They Respond In A Timely Manner

If your hookup responds to you within several minutes, they probably want more. Often times, we're glued to our phones. It's our natural reaction to jump to conclusions if we don't get an immediate response. We might think, "My lover must be cheating or not find me attractive anymore!"


Take into consideration, if they have a job or an active social life - it could just be that they're unable to respond or give you their undivided attention. But, if they leave you hanging for days - they're definitely not making you a priority. How do you identify if your hookup is being polite or if they're actually hoping for more? When they respond, ask yourself if they engage you in conversation or just offer one-word responses? Are they asking you questions about your day, your thoughts, or just trying to nail down an ETA for your booty call? If they respond in a timely manner, they're probably interested in more than just a hookup. However, make sure the quality responses are there more often than not. If you get a message that felt like it was meant for someone else - it might have been!

3. They Put Effort Into Their Appearance Beyond The First Couple Of Dates

This one can be tricky to decipher. If your hookup puts effort into their appearance beyond the first couple of dates, it's likely they're interested in impressing you and maintaining your attraction to them. They care about what you think and don't want you to lose interest. If they buy new clothes, or re-wear clothes you've told them they look nice in, they're definitely interested in taking this hookup to the next level.

However, if they do the opposite, it can also mean your hookup wants more from you. So confusing! If your lover goes from heartthrob to slob in a short span of time, they're either getting overly comfortable, or they're not putting in the effort because they don't value your time. If they're just phoning it in and showing up to your dates, it could be because they're using up all their effort on the hookup they'd rather be dating. You must use your discretion when deciphering this signal. Ask yourself what type of person you'd like to be in it for the long haul with. A man or woman who has good grooming habits and standards, or someone who's always hanging out in sweats with greasy hair?

4. They Introduce You To Their Friends Or Family Early On

If your hookup introduces you to their family, they're serious about you. If you've been hooking up for a few weeks or months, then it's natural that they'd want to introduce you to their friends - especially if they're close. Whether they're ready to jump in the deep end or just feeling it out, if they introduce you to their friends or family early on - they definitely see you as long-term material. This step isn't just important to display trust and enthusiasm toward the relationship, but your hookup is probably getting feedback from the people they care about. They want to know the opinions of their friends as to whether or not they think you have the relationship stamina to go from hookup to long-term partner.

If you're not ready to introduce your hookup to your friends or family, ask yourself why. Do you see yourself long-term with this hookup, or is it more of a fling? When you introduce your lover to your friends, you're sending them a direct signal that you're interested in more. Usually, people don't take out the person they're with unless they know that they'll be around for a while. If you're ready to show commitment to your new lady or male friend, this is an easy way to do it without having to sit down and have a relationship talk.

5. They Make Genuine Effort To Impress You

If your hookup is making the effort to choose places they know you'll enjoy, they're trying to impress you. When they make a genuine effort to impress you, it's because they're looking at their time with you as an investment in a longer term relationship. You want a lover who will make sure you're having fun and feeling comfortable. As you grow into your relationship, your independence will probably start to normalize, but in the early stages of dating if they're not putting in the time and effort to show you how great they are - it might be because they're not looking beyond the hookup phase with you. If your lover is trying to transition from hookup to main squeeze, they'll be worried about how they come across to you. If you haven't had the exclusivity talk, they could be subconsciously trying to win you over and defeat the potential competition happening out of their sight.

If this level of attention continues, then you know you've found a keeper. If you're hoping to turn your hookup into a relationship, make sure you're applying this step to your relationship as well. If the person you're getting serious about doesn't feel that they're special, or that you're making a true effort to woo them, they could start looking at other options who will.

6. They Give You Their Undivided Attention When You're Together

Is your hookup always on the phone when you're together, or are they locked in on what you're doing? If they give you their undivided attention when you're together, your hookup is probably looking for more. Cell phones play a huge role in our lives. Most people use their mobiles for work, socializing, finances, entertainment, and of course - dating. If your hookup puts the phone away and isn't constantly checking to see if they've received alerts or messages it's because they're present in the moment with you. Ideally, we're all looking for a lover and a partner that can put their entire focus on us. Unfortunately, it's a skill most don't have! If your lover manages to break free of their technology when they're spending time with you or keep it to a minimum, it's because they're thinking about you long-term. They're offering you respect and placing priority and value on your time together.

Cell phone use isn't the only way for your hookup to show that they're giving you their undivided attention. This can also be shown in how they engage in conversation with you. If you find yourself repeating things you've told them over again, it could be because they're not paying attention. You want to be with someone who engages in a two-way conversation and doesn't just love the sound of their own voice. If your lover asks you questions and stays invested in your answers - they probably want more from you.

If your hookup is displaying any, or all, of the signs above they probably want more from you. If you're still not sure, we've also included a bonus below. Keep reading to find out the five signs they're not interested in taking your relationship further than the bedroom.

3 Tell-Tale Signs Your Hookup Is Just A Hookup

You've been sleeping together for a few weeks or months, and you're interested in trying to build a future with this person. What now? Before you sit down to have 'the talk,' consider whether or not they're displaying any of the behavior below. Here are 3 tell-tale signs your hookup is just a hookup:

1. A sure sign your hookup is just a hookup is if they're always on their phone. If your hookup is juggling lovers, they're likely checking texts and messages every couple of minutes. They can often seem stressed out, and try to hide their phone from you as they read and respond. If you call them out on it and ask who they're texting, and they tell you that it's nothing - they could be a roach. Often busted roaches will put away their phone but start frequenting the bathroom more often. If your boyfriend or girlfriend is displaying this red flag sign, you're probably not the only piece of action they're getting!

2. Another sign that your partner isn't interested in more than booty calls, is that they're hard to get in contact with. Is your lover flakey? Do they disappear for days with vague excuses? Do they beat around the bush when you ask them about this behavior directly? This is a sign of roaching. If you always have to text them to get them to hang out, then they're probably not considering you a top priority.

3. A big warning sign that your hookup isn't interested in a relationship, is that they flake out on you at the last minute and won't commit to solid plans. If your hookup has a rotating cast of partners, you might be low on their 'to-do' list. You could be one among many hookups for your lover and always pushed aside for someone else they'd rather hook up with.

If you're struggling to find hookups that lead to relationships, try this!

Read seven expert cougar den secrets about What Not To Do During A Hookup. If you've been hooking up with someone for a while, but you can't tell if you're exclusive, you might be dating a 'roach.' Find out by reading about the shocking dating tactic that has everyone shook in "What is Roaching?" Your Guide To The New Dating Trend.

Does Your Hookup Want More From You? - LonelyWifeHookup

If you're wondering, 'Does my hookup want more from me?' read what experts say are the top signs they do, and the signs they just want to keep it casual.

Does Your Hookup Want More From You? - LonelyWifeHookup