


What To Expect When You Date A MILF

Curious about hooking up with a MILF, and want to know what to expect when you date a MILF? LonelyWifeHookups.com has all of the information you seek.


Ever since that infamous scene in American Pie, we've had a term for an older woman who's still got it going on in a way so significant, that even though the age gap is significant, you would still very much like to have sex with them. Hell, some MILFs are so hot you'd probably even consider dating them!

Younger men dating MILFs is something that's we've been seeing a lot of lately, and we think is only going to get bigger and more popular in the coming years. So if you're looking to date a MILF, but have only dated women your own age before, we've got all of the tips and things to expect that you're going to need when you finally do.

One obvious thing that you probably had already figured out, is that MILFs, while still extremely sexual, and full of life and energy, are not as durable as the thick 23 year old that you had sex with last week. Depending on how old they are, you may need to be a little more gentle when it comes to the sex that you have with them. Don't ask them about how durable or flexible they are. Just play it by ear, and you'll figure it out. If something doesn't feel good, a MILF will tell you, so you have that as a safety valve as well.

MILFs are typically very self-assured and comfortable with themselves. So if you've ever dated a woman before who was neurotic, and you always seemed to be the one to make the decisions as to what to do; you don't need to worry about that anymore. A MILF will let you surprise her from time to time, but for the most part, they'll take control, and tell you where they want to go. If you've found yourself a MILF that you're compatible with, this is one of the greatest joys of dating a MILF.

You should also expect them to take zero crap from you, be fantastic in bed, and be able to hold their own in conversations about a wider range of topics than any woman you've probably ever dated before.

There are more things to expect of course, and we'll go into them now, but if you're in a hurry, those are the big ones. Get on out there and find yourself the MILF of your dreams. Though we might suggest you make sure that she's not on of your friends' mothers, because that would be too awkward to deal with, and you really don't want to find yourself invited to be on Maury.

Date Stress Be Gone!

Men all know the stress that comes in the days leading up to a hot date. The biggest stress is always the picking out of something to do. You want to make sure that it's something that your girl is going to love, but also isn't so expensive that you have to start selling things to pay for it.

You've probably asked your girlfriend what they want to do, and they just tell you that whatever you choose, they know they're going to love it. This is so clearly not true, that it shakes you to your core. Why won't she just give you an idea of something she wants to do??? If she doesn't have a good time, you are NOT getting any action that night.

When you're dating a MILF, you're in luck. If you ask what she wants to do, nine times out of ten, she'll tell you exactly what she wants to do. No mystery. No need to worry about whether or not she has a good time. Now... Because of the age difference, there IS a very real concern that you aren't going to enjoy the thing she's chosen as much as something you would have picked, but that's of no concern to you because one of the biggest stresses in dating, is no longer your problem. You'll find yourself wondering why you haven't been dating MILFs exclusively for the last ten years.


That Different But Amazing Sex


Like we said, sex with a MILF is a bit different than sex with a young woman who's body is at its firmest and most flexible. But for every single thing that you can't do the same way that you would with a younger woman, there's some new twist to the act that most young men haven't even considered, because they're still so sexually inexperienced.

The woman you're dating, has been having sex for a good 20+ years longer than you. She's forgotten about more sexual experiences than you've probably had your entire life. She knows ninja sex stuff that if you aren't excited for it yet... Get excited!

It typically takes longer for older women to warm up, so expect more foreplay in your love making routine. Drunken sex is 1000% going to require lube. Don't even think about trying it without. It's not happening.

MILFs have been through so much more than we will probably ever know. Especially if we have no intention of ever having children. There are many reasons that people don't have kids, and the biggest one is the amount of work they are. Your new lady friend, has been to hell and back raising her kid(s), and now it's time for her to let loose, and make up for lost time. She's just as excited as you are, but let her take control. It will be better that way.

Human Encyclopedias

One of the first things you're going to notice when you start dating MILFs is that they're much better conversationalists than women your age. They know so much more, and have lived through so much more, so they're well-rounded and full of knowledge and stories that you would do very well to ask to be told from time to time. You might learn something.

MILFs are also great to date because they can expose you to cool stuff that you would never have discovered without them (or if you had, it would have probably been later in life, when you didn't have as much time to enjoy it). Though the sexual attraction is usually going to be the first thing to draw you towards dating a MILF, we suggest that you try to find an older woman who is passionate about some of the same things as you. If you're a painter, and the woman you're dating is more interested in photography, you're going to have a lot less to talk about. But if you can date an older woman who either also paints, or even is just a great admirer of the art form, you're going to have so many fantastic conversations, and she will show you paintings and painters that you can then go and impress your painter friends with.

Going to museums and art galleries together will be a far more rewarding and educational experience than if you had gone by yourself, or with a younger woman.

Passport Stamps

Traveling with a partner your own age is lots of fun, and you can discover new places together. Imagine going on a trip though, and not having to go to the museums or restaurants that turn out to be duds, and waste half your day? Dating a MILF brings the advantage of her having likely already been to many of the places around the world that you want to go to.

Vacation time is so precious these days, that it feels awful to fly halfway around the world, only to waste a large chunk of your vacation time on touristy spots that you really shouldn't have bothered with. Let your partner's experiences guide you in the right directions, and to the right spots. The secret little alleys, art galleries, cafes, or spots with a breathtaking view that isn't marked as anything special on any maps. Their knowledge and experience are invaluable, and you're lucky to have them at your disposal.

You may feel like you need to repay her for the incredible time that she's helped you have, and you should definitely do that, but expect her to tell you not to be silly, and that seeing you have such a good time was payment enough. Buy her some flowers though. Come on.

Friends & Family Integration

Perhaps the most difficult part of dating a MILF is when it comes time to meet each other's friends, and if things get serious enough, family.

This is another reason to try to make sure that you're not just dating the first older woman that you're attracted to, but that you have something in common. Because when it comes time for them to meet your friends, it will be a life saver for them to have something in common with you, which will most likely also be an interest that many of your friends share. This will give them something to talk about, and save you and your partner an incredibly awkward and potentially embarrassing situation, where they feel like your friends don't like her, which will certainly put some strain on your relationship. 

The mutual interest will work the other way when it comes time for you to meet her friends as well. It's important for both of your circles of friends to see that there's more to your relationship than just the sex (which many of your friends might not feel completely comfortable with, because even though we think that dating with large age gaps is a beautiful thing, it's still considered taboo by a lot of people).

When it comes to meeting your family, that's a much more complicated situation, and one you should have a long chat about before deciding whether or not to make the intro. If when talking about it, you realize that there are maybe a few too many similarities between your partner and your mother, it's perhaps best to put it off for as long as possible. It's up to you of course, and what you think will work best for you and your partner.


If you're used to relationships where fights happen frequently, but five minutes later, or the next day, all is forgiven, and you're back to being head over heels in love with each other, we suggest you try and curb any argumentative behaviour that might be the cause of those fights. Young lovers having spats is something that happens, but when you're dating a MILF, you have to realize that they've already lived through that phase of her life. If you have a fight now, it means something. Much more than you're probably used to fights with your previous partners meaning.

Your partner will most likely have a lot less patience for putting up with any sort of nonsense or disrespectful behavior, because while you might have your whole life ahead of you, they don't. They're in the second half of the story, and they probably think that they've already wasted enough time on lame dudes who don't treat them right in the first half. As you get older, it only makes sense that your remaining time feels much more valuable than it probably did when you were younger. So when you're dating an older woman, make sure you understand that wasting their time isn't an option that you have. If they think you're wasting their time, they won't put up with it. If you're willing to date them, they'll be sure to tell you that they can move "onto the next one" like Jay Z, or "upgrade u" (sic) like Beyonce. So don't take them for granted. There aren't a lot of MILFs out there who'd go out of their way to listen to Jay Z and Beyonce songs because they know you like them.

What To Expect When You Date A MILF - LonelyWifeHookups

Curious about hooking up with a MILF, and want to know what to expect when you date a MILF? LonelyWifeHookups.com has all of the information you seek.

What To Expect When You Date A MILF - LonelyWifeHookups