


Is He A Fuckboy?: A Practical Guide To Avoiding Disaster

Young, dumb and full of... common stereotypes that have us mildly concerned. Find out once and for all if you are dating a real man, or a fake fuckboy.

How Does One Spot a "Fuckboy"?


Look no further than his own reflection! In the window behind you. In your sunglasses. In the silverware. In the sad eyes of the elderly dog sprawled out under the table next to you at the cafe.

You thought it was weird that he looked so aroused. He feels no empathy for the hard life this animal has lived. He's too sexy for it's sad... too sexy for it's sad... So sexy that Tad. Just assuming his name is Tad or something equally as douchey.

He's So Vain, I Bet He Thinks This Whole Thing Is About Him! Oh, Wait...

This guy is never NOT looking at himself. He's watching to make sure that the false interest in his expression is convincing enough. It's not. But he thinks it is because he believes everything he does is amazing. He's crushing it. He's got life by the perfectly manscaped balls, and he's ready for all the positive rewards it has to offer. It owes him. And why wouldn't it? He's so pretty, and he works so hard... at it. A fuckboy is utterly obsessed with himself. Do you know what that means? It means there is no room for anyone else. Well actually, there is, and we'll get to them. I guess what I mean to say is- there is no room for anything or anyone that requires effort. He is working way too hard on himself to put in that kinda time. Working on his hair; his body; his repertoire of charming and wildly arrogant anecdotes; and most importantly his mad ping-pong skillz. He's the reigning champ, did he tell you? Of course he did.


He's Just Not That Into You


He's not completely ignoring you. He's just not actively listening. I guarantee if you throw down one of his buzzwords, you'll trigger his selective hearing. That means he's about to cut you off and rant endlessly about how OBSESSED he is with Game of Thrones or that commercial that uses one of the songs by that really good band you've been dropping hints about seeing. SPOILER ALERT: You won't be seeing that band together. It's not that he isn't picking up the hints you're throwing down; it's that he's sidestepping them like landmines. He's ignoring you- the REAL you. What you're about, what you really think and how you truly feel about any given topic. This means nothing to him. He wants to stay out of the deep end. Shallow is the word we're looking for here. He is only really noticing one thing about you- your looks. Even that isn't as important to him. As long as he can picture himself having sex with you- keyword being *himself*. You are the equivalent of a blow-up doll configured with face swap. He wants to swap your current face with your "oh" face, immediately followed by a face that ain't yours.

He Puts In Zero Effort

He is not going to go out of his way to impress you. No, no. He doesn't need to. Didn't you read the first few paragraphs? He's clearly a self-proclaimed catch- even though there is no actual tangible evidence to back that up. He's like the corrupt prosecutor in every true crime documentary currently on Netflix. He's got nothing, but you'll still deliver the verdict he wants to hear. Guilty as charged. The guilty party is you. You fall for it time and again. We don't blame you. The guy is convincing. I guess in a way he is impressive. Damn. See? Even we are falling for it. He just expects you to be in awe of him, and he is charming enough to get that reaction no matter what bullshit he is spinning.

He effortlessly gets YOU to put in all the effort. A remarkable manipulation. You will be the one reaching out to him. You will be the one setting up plans. Notice how the first date and time you suggest doesn't really work for him? He actually makes you go back into your calendar and find another option. Or worse: He tries to get you to move around your existing plans to make room for HIM. He also doesn't offer up dates and times that work for him either. It's going to be you making suggestion after suggestion with him saying no, or that he'll get back to you. Then he doesn't get back to you, and YOU have to follow up. This is already driving you nuts, isn't it? But I guarantee, as annoying as it all seems laid out like this, you will have no idea it's happening when it does. You may suspect it, but it will be nicely packaged for you in the masterful way he does his verbal reassurance. After all of that, when you do determine a date and time, guess what?! YOU will have to pick the place. He will make it seem like a sweet gesture. He's taking your suggestions. Whatever you want. He's meeting your needs. Your desires. Since you've been there before, you should be the one to make the reservation. I also wouldn't put it past him to find a way to get you to pay the cheque.

He Wants YOU To Chase HIM

One thing is for certain, this fuckboy is not going to chase you. If anyone is going to be doing the chasing, it's you. His messages will be few and far between. He's going to drop a few messages like crumbs and wait for you to follow them into the trap. Then he's going to let you sit in that trap for an unreal amount of time before making his move to pounce. He'll say "sup?" and you'll respond. Then hours will go by with no response. You'll get annoyed, but not so annoyed that you aren't happy to hear from him when he does finally decide to get back to you. It will be padded with something like "sry bb, day got cray". This might actually be the longest sentence he's ever typed. All of his communication is typed by the way. He keeps things strictly digital. some days you're lucky to even get words. Usually, it's just gifs, memes, and emojis.

He Has You In His Jaws

He's coming for you, but there is no shark fin giving it away above the surface. It's all about predatory manipulation. He isn't actively chasing you, but the end game is still to get you. What he's doing is dangling a carrot in front of your face and making you go after him. He only has to give an inch to get a mile. Showing mild interest and then disappearing has you pissed off, but also starved for the attention when it returns. He acts aloof when you are upset, or if you call him on his shit. In person, he plays hard to get. Leaning in, brushing past, flirting, but not coming in for what he knows you want. He's going to lure you into making all the moves. He might even say things like "I like a woman that knows what she wants and goes for it." He's not just luring you, he's actually empowering you to make these moves. He will fish for compliments and never offer them up. He'll come close enough and then not deliver. This will have you longing to hear it. He will only throw a compliment your way when he needs to smooth something out. Trust me, this guy isn't bright; but if sex is involved, he's a master of reverse psychology.

He's Gone Fishing

The most fuckboy behavior one can display, the thing they are most known for, is having other women on the hook. He is fishing with many lines, and juggling what he can reel in. You may be the catch of the day, but he is always on the lookout for a better option. This means he is on his phone constantly. Texting. Sexting. Making and taking calls. Taking his sweet time coming back to the table because he was able to grab someone else's attention and exchange details. He's working the room when you go out, and setting up plans for his next date when you stay in. Chances are he isn't going home when he leaves you at the end of the night. Also possible that he is coming from somewhere else when he meets up with you.

He's A Secret Boy

A fuckboy is non-committal. This applies to plans, labels, and how he refers to you and your relationship when speaking to others. Don't be surprised to learn that he has kept you a secret. Maybe you aren't that serious. Maybe you don't even consider your situation as the two of you being together. But even just chatting you up is something he won't admit to others. If you're not a total secret, then you're just referred to in general terms. You're "this chick". Not only are you a secret, but he's keeping secrets from you. He could be outright lying to you on the regular, or lying by omission. Bottom line is, there's a lot he's not telling you. At least you aren't alone. He's not really telling other girls either.

Aside from never introducing you as his girlfriend, there are not photos of the two of you together. The closest thing you have to that is if you take the half-naked photos you sext to him and crop in one of the classy dick pics he relentlessly sends you. He's not going to pose with you, or allow you to post anything- even if it looks like you're just two pals hanging out. It's too risky. He doesn't want to mess up the other things he has lined up. He will never change his status to "in a relationship" even if you remain nameless. He doesn't even interact with you on social media. The only time you'll catch him throwing you "likes" is after he has gone rogue for a week. It's like his way of saying "oh hey!". He's a pro. He's not even watching your insta-stories because he knows you can see if he's viewed it. Therefore, posting pics with other dudes to try and get his attention won't work. He's not one to get jealous, because he doesn't actually care.

You're Gonna Need A Bigger Life Jacket

You need to make sure you are protecting yourself. Fuckboy are sleeping with multiple partners. They are not actually partners themselves. They are not reliable types who will stick around and be there for you. Protect yourself mentally, emotionally as well as physically. This guy is going to gaslight the shit out of you. Going through something like this will have a serious negative effect on your future relationships.

You're a grown woman. You have needs. Itches you would like scratched. It's possible that you are aware of what is in front of you, and you don't really care. You're entitled to a good time with no strings if that is what you want. Just don't give him the satisfaction of playing the game. Get what you want, then get out before he can. Change the rules. Make it impossible for him to win. The only thing better than fucking a fuckboy is fucking him over after.

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Did your fuckboy decide to grow up? He's figured it out, and wants you back, but can your relationship survive his indiscretions? Find out: HERE!!

Did he pass the fuckboy test, but something is still off? Maybe he's not a total douchebag, maybe he's just a teenager trapped in a hot man's body. Don't worry, we've got a fix! HERE!!


How To Avoid Dating Fuckboys - Lonelywifehookups.com

Young, dumb and full of... common stereotypes that have us mildly concerned. Find out once and for all if you are dating a real man, or a fake fuckboy.

How To Avoid Dating Fuckboys - Lonelywifehookups.com