


How To Pick Up MILFs


Dating MILFs has become extremely popular lately, but it's not something we all have experience with. Learn how to pick up MILFs with LonelyWifeHookups.com and you'll be an expert in no time, with a MILF radar so strong, you'll find yourself with a new MILF week if you want one.

The key to picking up a MILF is knowing where MILFs hang out, and making sure you're there. The best part about it is that of these places aren't necessarily competitive in terms of other men on the prowl, so if your pick up game is on point, you'll be able to do very well, and have your choice of MILFs.

While some MILFs find themselves newly single, and hit the internet to find the hottest spots to pick up young men, the majority of them will continue to hang out and do the same things that they already enjoy doing. So it's easy to identify these places, like wine bars for an after work drink, the theatre to see the latest Sir Andrew Lloyd Webber musical, or even the playground with their kid. Maybe only the wine bar seems like a super appropriate place to try and pick up, but toss out the notion that you might have that you'll be bothering these women just because they're older than you. If anything, they're probably less active in the dating scene, so will be extremely flattered to be hit on, no matter where they are. If they're out with their girlfriends, and you hit on them, they'll suddenly become the envy of all their friends, and she'll feel great about herself, and want more of your attention.

Not all MILFs are starved for attention, but a large percentage of them are, which makes picking up a MILF a fairly easy proposition. Don't think of it as all that different from how you would pick up a younger woman at a club or bar. Maybe be a little bit less forward at first until you get a sense of their personality, but so long as you're looking good, are fun to talk to, and are able to find the right spots where MILFs are hanging out, you're going to have a great time out there, picking up MILFs left, right, and center.

Let's take a closer look at some of the other places you can pick up MILFs with relative ease. Some typical, and some a little bit outside of the box.

Speed Dating

This might seem silly and outdated, but if you think about it, MILFs are of an age where they aren't as technologically advanced as we are, so they aren't likely to be on as many online dating sites as they should be (we'll still look there later, don't worry).

Speed Dating events are typically attended by people who aren't caught up to the way people pick up these days, or that aren't comfortable with computers. Sometimes there are even Speed Dating events specifically for older men and women. If you find one of those in your neighborhood, you've hit the jackpot. Go in right at the deadline to sign up, so that everyone who's there will already be there.


At first, you can try lying about your age. Chances are they won't fall for it, but that's fine. If you see a MILF in the room that catches your eye, make sure to make eye contact with them. Make a bit of a scene, saying that you can't believe that they're discriminating against you because of your age. Say that some younger men like to date more experienced women.

Make eye contact with the MILF that you've got your sights set on again, and give them a look that conveys a playful, "Can you believe this??" and "I'd love to sit across that table from you right now."

Next, go outside defeated. Maybe go grab a coffee, then wait for the hour or so that the event will take. When your MILF comes out, wave to them, and hope they'll come over to talk to you. Ask them how the speed dating went, and whether or not she matched up with anyone. Make a bit more chit chat, and then ask if she's hungry, and wants to get something to eat with you.

Online Dating


Now even though we said that a lot of MILFs won't be on the dating sites and apps, there will be some who've become somewhat comfortable with their computers so that they can keep in touch with their families over e-mail, Skype, Facebook, etc. Sometimes they'll even have children who want their mothers to find love, so have setup an online dating profile for them to use.

Picking up MILFs on online dating sites is very straightforward. It's just like the way you would use the sites to pick up younger women, but you'll set your age ranges up a little bit higher, and if the site has a "Children?" question, click "Yes".

Even though younger men dating MILFs is becoming more popular, the majority of the messages that these women are going to find in their inboxes are going to be from boring and sad old men their own age. So your competition is going to be slim as can be. Don't get cocky, and think you can send them a dick pic right away, with a message that says, "Doing anything tonight? Want to do this?" You still have to be respectful, and send them something that piques their interest. Remember, this woman has lived a lot longer than you, and has seen every type of unpleasant dude under the sky. She's not interested in that anymore. Just be normal and nice, and you'll be surprised how far you can get.

Wine Bars

While you're likely going to go to a dance club, or dirty rock club to pick up a younger woman, you're more likely to find a MILF in a wine bar. The middle-aged woman with a large glass of wine may be a bit of a cliche, but it's a cliche for a reason. Mom's really do like their wine. They just can't get enough. Wine bars were essentially made for middle-aged women and yuppies. After a long day at work, a sexy mom just wants to chill in a quiet bar, enjoying a nice glass or two of wine. If they find themselves meeting a nice young man who seems to be attracted to them, well then that's just a bonus, and their wine bar outing is more successful than they would have expected it to be.


If there's one thing that a middle-aged mom who loves wine loves more than enjoying a glass of wine at her favorite wine bar, it's going to the place where the magic is made. If you live anywhere near a vineyard that gives a group tour, you need to get yourself there this weekend. Vineyard tours are like catnip for MILFs, and a young man who seems to also enjoy them, is going to have their heads spinning.

They might be there with their friends, which could make for a bit of cockblocking from them, but so long as you have a couple flirty exchanges, and make sure you get her number, suggesting that the two of you should perhaps go on a tour without her friends sometime, you should be good to go.

Since a lot of vineyards are outside of the city, and require a bit of a road trip to get to, they might be spending the night at a nearby hotel, which might make it possible for you to convince her to have dinner with you, and maybe even stay in your room the night. Just make sure you have a nice bottle of wine waiting in the room to impress her.

The Theatre

If you've ever walked by the theatre, you may have noticed that the two largest audiences (especially musical theatre) is older women and gay men (So if you're looking to hook up with a gay dude, you can use this information as well).

While a trip to the theatre is definitely going to be one of your most MILFs per capita spots out there, it's also not cheap! Tickets for a big show can set you back upwards of $200, so if you're investing that much money, you're going to be very disappointed if you go home after enduring a painful 3 hour musical, without any phone numbers.

The other tricky thing about using the theatre as a pick up spot is that if offers very little time to actually chat up MILFs. You have the pre-show, the intermission, and after the show, and if you find a MILF who's interested at the first or second of those, you're most likely going to have to meet up and talk with them at the breaks that happen after that, so you won't be able to get any more numbers. Going home with only one phone number after spending $200 is not great value, so this is a tricky one. The number of MILFs will definitely be bigger than anywhere else, but your odds of hitting the jackpot on your first try aren't great. Like in Vegas, where the house always wins.. The theatre always wins.

The Gym

Chances are good that if an older woman is considered a MILF, that she's spending some time at the gym. Maybe check out the pool or some spin classes first, as they seem to be popular activities for MILFs to partake in when they're working out. Past that, you'll be able to figure out, just by looking around the gym to see if any older women are there working out.

You might have to get your butt to the gym first thing in the morning, or during lunch hour to catch the driven and hard working women you're looking for, but if they're out there putting in the reps to make sure that their body looks good, you now that they're looking for action.

Like the speed dating event, some gyms offer workout classes "for mommies", which could be a great spot to be hanging around on an exercise bike for when it lets out.

Art Galleries

Even though we've buried it way down near the bottom of this piece, meeting MILFs at art galleries is our absolutely favorite spot to pick up. First off, who doesn't love art galleries? They're an amazing way to spend an afternoon. Wandering around a major gallery, taking your time to fully appreciate pieces that you've never seen in person before, is a revelatory experience. Art also offers so much to discuss. We all have different types of art that we like, but this is actually a great way to figure out if you're going to be interested in dating a MILF that you chat up at the gallery, or if you're only going to try to hookup with them. You don't have to like the same art, but some crossover is always nice. If she's able to intelligently discuss the art with you, and her opinions are refreshing; well that's one of the main reasons you want to date a MILF in the first place. Their confidence and knowledge that they've acquired over their lifetime is more often than not, going to be so much more attractive than that of the younger women that you've been dating.

So get out there, find your local wine bar, if there are any vineyards within driving distance (or a cheap bus), adjust your online dating filters, hit up a speed dating event, and of course, go buy yourself a membership to your city's big gallery. You'll be connecting with MILFS in no time. Have fun!!

How To Pick Up MILFs - LonelyWifeHookups.com

Dating MILFs has become extremely popular lately, but it's not something we all have experience with. Learn how to pick up MILFs with LonelyWifeHookups.com

How To Pick Up MILFs - LonelyWifeHookups.com