


The Lonelywifehookups Guide To Affair Advice, Hookup Advice, MILF Advice, And Relationship Advice


We like to think that when it comes to relationships, we know everything. Well, that is just not the case. It is especially not the case when it comes to affairs, hookups, MILFs and even relationships! Let's face it: we barely know anything about these four topics. This is why so many people struggle with affairs, hookups, MILFs, and relationships.

Well, we here at Lonelywifehookups don't want you to struggle anymore! That is why we put together this guide. It is chock full of all the kinds of advice you need, the questions you were afraid to ask—even the questions you didn't know you should ask.

What You'll Find In This Guide


Like we mentioned above, this guide is chock full of advice. But what do we mean when we say that? Well, what we mean is this: you'll find four main sections to this guide (Affair Advice, Hookup Advice, MILF Advice, and Relationship Advice) and each section has 10 questions answered just for you, our devoted readers. Yup, that's right: that means there are forty topics to help you with all your affair needs and more! But why would you need advice in each of these topics? Well, let's break it down for you:

Affair Advice

Listen, affairs are challenging. This is because society frowns upon affairs and the people who engage in them. We'll, we're trying to break that taboo with this section of our guide. Our ten questions will navigate everything you've ever thought or wondered about affairs. The most important thing that it will do is help you to decide whether or not you should have an affair because, let's face it, not everyone should! And that's totally okay! This guide will also give you some practical tips about not only having a great affair but not getting caught. Even if you don't think you ever want an affair you should still read this section of the guide to help you better understand those who do choose to engage in affairs and cheating!

Hookup Advice

Are hookups the same as affairs? That's a great question! And one that you'll definitely know the answer to after reading this guide (hint hint). To break it down simply: a hookup can be an affair and lead to a longer affair, but not all affairs are hookups. Does that make sense? You don't also need to be in a prior relationship in order to have a hookup. Both single and attached people are drawn to hookups for various reasons and we will be diving into all of them in this guide! By the end of reading all ten articles you will be more than ready to get out there and experience your own hookup.

MILF Advice

We might as well get this out of the way first: some people like the term MILF and some people don't. The find it a bit offensive instead. But regardless of the term, the kind of person it is referring to doesn't change at all. And what is that? Well, MILF specifically stands for "mother I'd like to fuck," or more simply: a woman who is someone's mother who is sexy and desirable. The term came about because generally after a woman becomes a mother she is no longer deemed "sexy" so it is always out of the ordinary when one is "still" sexy. However, we totally disagree with that! Women are sexy and desirable at all ages. This is something we get into more in our help articles. You'll also learn more about what it means to be attracted to MILFs and how you can hookup with the hottest ones.

Relationship Advice

Sometimes you just want some good old-fashioned relationship advice, right? Well don't worry: we've got you covered there too. Unlike typical relationship questions, this guide delves into some of the more unique queries we've come across in our research. Because not all relationships are normal so of course not all of them have normal or typical questions. This is one of those categories that people especially want to deny needing help in but trust us when we say: everyone needs relationship help. Especially if they are a person who has been more invested in hooking up! In fact, this guide is especially for them. By the end of it, we guarantee you'll feel more confident about relationships and be able to navigate them with more ease.

How This Guide Will Help


Now that we've outlined the four specific categories you'll find in this guide, you may still be wondering how this guide will help you. That's totally understandable! There are so many ways that affair advice, hookup advice, MILF advice, and relationship advice can help you out in your life. It could take us a very long time to list all the ways! But we know you're anxious to get on to the guide so we're only going to focus on six main points of exactly how this guide will help you. You may be tempted to skip this section but we highly recommend you read it. That way you'll know exactly what to expect from this Lonelywifehookups guide!

You'll feel more empowered to step outside of your comfort zone.

A lot of the time what holds people back from sexual experiences is being nervous about trying new things. This is true in many aspects of our lives but it is especially true when it comes to sexual things. And it is doubly especially true when it comes to less accepted sexual things like affairs or hookups. By reading this guide, you'll learn so much about affairs, hookups, MILFs and relationships that you'll feel confident and comfortable navigating them in your own life. What made you nervous before will instead make you feel excited... maybe even a little horny!

You'll learn what not to do and what to avoid

It's great to know what you should be doing but it's just as important to know what you shouldn't be doing and what you should avoid. After all, there are all sorts of toxic ideas and people that can ruin your affair or hookup fun. While this guide does go into the dos it also goes into the don'ts as well. How can you fully enjoy your affair if you aren't aware of what you should be avoiding, right? It can also be confusing to know what is a no-no or a faux pas, especially if you are new to the hookup or MILF scene. But don't worry: this guide will break it all down for you so you'll be navigating those new waters perfectly.

You'll get advice you can trust from real people with real experience.

We want you to have the best. That is why we make sure to only consult the best experts and use the most trusted research when putting together our guides. And we don't just consult with stuffy scientists either—we make sure we're talking to real people who have real world experience as well. That is because who better to talk to about hookup or MILF advice than those who have been successfully in that work for a long time. So you can rest assured that all of the answers and advice you'll find here can be absolutely trusted.

You'll feel sexier than you ever have in your entire life.

A lot of times one of the main thing that holds us back from new sexual experiences or stepping outside of our comfort zone is not feeling sexy. We mentioned above that feeling empowered is an important aspect of trying new things but feeling sexy is just as important. It also can help you to feel even more empowered and confident. A lot of times the reason we may be apprehensive about starting an affair or a MILF relationship is worrying that we're not desirable or too old. Well, it's time to stop with those thoughts! With this guide you'll start to feel sexier than you ever have. It's guaranteed to light a fire in you.

You'll learn new things about yourself and your desires.

Just like how this guide will help you to feel sexier than you ever have, you'll also learn more about your sexual preferences than you ever have. After all, how can you expect to have a positive sexual experience without knowing what your kinks and turn ons are, right? Right! You may think you know exactly what you love and what your body responds to but we promise that by reading through this guide you'll learn some brand new things about yourself. Some things you didn't even realize would turn you on may turn out to be your new favorite kinks!

You'll be able to really enjoy your hookups and affairs.

Because of how society views affairs, one of the hardest parts about stepping into that world is the very first step. Most people are raised with the notion that affairs and cheating are bad, which in turn can mean that hookups are bad too. Getting around this mental block can be really hard. We have to unlearn everything that society taught us! Well, this guide is here to help with those first steps. You'll read advice and tips from people who have navigated that same path and by the end you'll feel totally ready to jump into that affair!

Affair Advice From Lonelywifehookups


We're starting off our guide with the Affair Advice section. This is because we find that people always have the most questions and concerns about affairs. Well, question no more because we cover them all here! From how to have an affair without getting caught to setting ground rules for your affair, we cover it all. We even dive into if an affair can make your relationship stronger and whether or not you should tell your partner you cheated. We seriously left no stone unturned when it comes to affairs.

Can Having An Affair Make Your Relationship Stronger?

The general consensus out there is that affairs are very bad and having an affair can mark the end of a relationship. But what if that wasn't true? What if an affair could actually make your relationship stronger? That may sound totally outrageous, we know. But it isn't! It turns... Read more.

How To Have An Affair Without Getting Caught

When people are thinking about having an affair, they generally don't want to get caught. We think we can all agree that most people want to keep their affair a secret, right? Right! But not getting caught in your affair can take a lot of work. We've put together all... Read more.

How To Set Ground Rules For An Affair

An affair can be an exciting and sexy adventure to embark on but if you want to have a successful affair, it's important to lay down some ground rules. Rules may sound kind of boring but trust us when we say that rules will make you affair better. With rules... Read more.

Is It Okay To Cheat On My Partner?

A question that gets asked all the time, especially when it comes to long term relationships is: is it okay to cheat on my partner? The answer to that question can depend on a lot of factors; what we're trying to say is that there isn't a definitive answer. But... Read more.

Should You Tell Your Partner You Cheated?

Affairs and cheating can be confusing things. On the one hand, you don't want your partner to find out at all. But on the other hand, sometimes you feel like you need to tell them, that the burden of keeping the secret is too much. Like many things that have... Read more.

What Are The Different Kind Of Affairs?

People who are unfamiliar with cheating always assume that there is one one kind of cheating and affair: either you are or you aren't. Well, we are here to tell you totally different! There are many, many different kinds of affairs. In fact, we've listed nine of them here in... Read more.

What Is Micro Cheating?

Micro cheating: likely this is a term that you've never heard of before. If that is the case then you've come to the right place! We are going to break down exactly what micro cheating is with examples. Basically, micro cheating is any sort of activity, like dressing up for... Read more.

What To Do After You Cheated

Hello there, cheater. Now, we don't meant to offend; we're just having a little fun! And, besides, we don't really take too much offence to the word "cheater," anyhow. In fact, it can be a positive word in the right circumstances. If you are reading this, likely you have cheated... Read more.

Where Should I Have An Affair

So, you're ready to dive into your affair but you aren't sure where you should go. Well, you are definitely reading the right article! The location of an affair has to be a careful balance between sexy and practical. And what we mean by that is that you need to ... Read more.

Why Happy People Cheat

One of the biggest myths about cheating is that only depressed or angry or sad people cheat. And what we mean by that is people who are unhappy in their relationship. After all, if they are unhappy in their relationship it makes sense they would look for satisfaction elsewhere. However... Read more.

Hookup Advice From Lonelywifehookups


Welcome to the Hookup Advice section of this guide! Here you'll find everything you ever wanted to know about hookups, like how to hookup with someone younger than you, what to do if you sense your hookup may want something more out of your arrangement, and how to hookup with all kinds of people, from MILFs to married men and women. We left no stone unturned when it came to answering questions about hookups!

Does Your Hookup Want More From You?

If you're wondering, 'Does my hookup want more from me?' read what experts say are the top signs they do, and the signs they just want to keep it casual. If your no-strings situation is going great, but you think they might be relationship material - they might be! First, ask... Read more.

How To Get Your Groove Back Like Stella Did

Is your dating life less like a rom-com and more like a horror film? Don't despair, this is one of the most common gripes we here at LonelyWifeHookups. "How To Get Your Groove Back Like Stella Did: The Definitive Guide" isn't going to tell you how to fake being sexy... Read more.

How To Hook Up With A Man Way Younger Than You

Why do men get to have all the fun with dating young? Men are at their peak virility in their 20s and early 30s, and women have the highest sex drives in their 40s and 50s. That's why it's becoming more common for mature women to date younger men. It's... Read more.

How To Hook Up With A Married Woman

If you love forbidden fruit, you've probably wondered how to hook up with a married woman. It's easier than you think to have a no-strings, discreet affair. Most married women, especially cougars and MILFs, are bored in their marriage and desperately hoping to hook up with a younger man who... Read more.

How To Hook Up With Sexy, Single Cougars

Find out how to hook up with sexy, single cougars. These ten methods will get you laid in the shortest amount of time, with the least amount of effort. Who doesn't love the touch of a good, mature woman? There's nothing like sleeping with an experienced woman when you've been... Read more.

How To Tell If Your MILF Hookup Is Girlfriend Material

It's easy to become caught up in the passion of a new romance, especially if it's lust-fueled and feels forbidden. At some point in the relationship, you'll probably find yourself wondering whether or not the two of you are in it for the long haul. Cougars don't play by the... Read more.

What Is "Roaching?"

What is roaching? You've likely heard the term "roaching" said by people on social media or at parties, but not a lot of folks actually know what it means. It's not a new concept, but a label has finally been given to people who date a lot of people without... Read more.

What Not To Do During A Hookup

If you're able to get a first date but not a second, you could be doing one of these hookup no-nos. Find out what you should never do during a hookup. Maybe your date seems to be going really well when suddenly they lose interest. You might be thinking, "What... Read more.

What Turns Off A MILF?

Our top dating experts sat down to dish on what turns off a MILF, plus five ways to turn her on. When you avoid these tips that can crush your chances of hooking up, you're already way ahead of the pack. A lot of guys don't understand the difference between ... Read more.

Where Do I Go To Hook Up With Older Women?

There's a lot of vague information out there about how to find cougars to hook up with, but most of you aren't just going to go up to random women at the mall, coffee shops, or anywhere else you might catch them off guard. While sometimes it can work out... Read more.

MILF Advice From Lonelywifehookups


Whether you are a MILF, feel like you could become a MILF, or want to hookup with a MILF, you'll find something useful in the MILF Advice section of this guide! We start off with the question everyone always asks about MILFs: why do men find older women attractive? After that you can find advice on using apps to find MILFs, what makes MILFs so desirable, and and why dating older women is way better than younger women. You'll only find MILF love here!

Do Men Find Older Women More Attractive?

A lot of men are hooking up with older women, which brings the question, do men find older women more attractive? LonelyWifeHookups.com has the answer! There's a lot to unpack when it comes to this question, because like most things in the dating world, it's not as black and white... Read more.

Does A MILF Recognizing AI Exist?

You may have heard about a MILF recognizing AI, and whether or not it actually exists. It's a complicated question that LonelyWifeHookups.com will answer. The short answer is that a MILF recognizing AI does exist, but we need to take a deeper look at whether or not it's useful, and ... Read more.

How To Pick Up MILFs

Dating MILFs has become extremely popular lately, but it's not something we all have experience with. Learn how to pick up MILFs with LonelyWifeHookups.com and you'll be an expert in no time, with a MILF radar so strong, you'll find yourself with a new MILF week if you want one... Read more.

How To Use Dating Apps To Find MILFs

If you're a master of online dating, but want to try dating older women, let LonelyWifeHookups.com show you how to use dating apps to find MILFs with ease. We live in an age where finding women to date has become much easier than it used to be for generations before... Read more.

Is It Okay To Date Younger Men?

Are you an older woman who's been fantasizing about young studs, and wondering if it's okay to date younger men? LonelyWifeHookups.com says, 'Yes! Do it!' If you need more convincing than that, we're happy to convince you. Think of 10 of your favorite Hollywood movies about men your age. Now... Read more.

Is "WHIP" The New "MILF?"

Dating an older woman? Most women don't like being called MILFs, and are trying to create a new name for themselves. It's WHIP. Is "WHIP" the new "MILF?" If you haven't heard about this new meaning for "WHIP" before, you're not alone. It was coined by a writer from the... Read more.

What Is The Difference Between MILFS and Cougars?

The sexual vocabulary is changing every day, so it's not a big deal if you don't know the difference between a MILF and a Cougar. They're similar enough that we can understand the confusion. Have no fear! LonelywifeHookups.com is here to help you answer all of your sex slang questions... Read more.

What To Expect When You Date A MILF

Curious about hooking up with a MILF, and want to know what to expect when you date a MILF? LonelyWifeHookups.com has all of the information you seek. Ever since that infamous scene in American Pie, we've had a term for an older woman who's still got it going on ... Read more.

Why Are MILFS so desirable?

More younger men are dating MILFS these days. But what brought on this trend? Why are MILFS so desirable right now? LonelyWifeHookups.com has the answers! You may not notice it as much out in public, but there's definitely a relatively new narrative in the dating world, which is finding a... Read more.

Why Dating Older Women Is Better Than Dating Younger Women

We're all very familiar with the image and idea of a younger woman dating or hooking up with an older man. It's all around us in the media, and even in real life. There seems to be a more natural attraction between younger women and older men than perhaps there... Read more.

Relationship Advice From Lonelywifehookups


Last but certainly not least is the Relationship Advice section of our help guide. But these aren't your typical relationship advice queries. We decided to explore some of the lesser covered but just as important topics like May-December romances, open relationships, and how to avoid dating fuckboys. We also cover dirty talk, dating someone one with kids your own age, and what to do if you're too good for the guy your seeing. Yes, this section certainly covers all sorts of relationship topics!

Are May-December Relationships On The Rise?

First of all, what exactly is a May-December relationship? Well, it's pretty straightforward- One partner is a spring chicken, the other is winter-weary. It's all about the age gap. It's definitely not the most modern or pleasing label, which sort of proves that it's not really a new trend. It's... Read more.

Are Open Relationships More Practical?

We can't be everything to someone, no matter how hard we try. It's a lot of pressure. In turn, we can't expect that of someone else. No matter how uniquely perfect our partner seems for us, there is always at least one area where they fall short. I don't say... Read more.

Are You Too Good For Him?

Are you too good for him? More than likely. The first sign is that you looked this up. So clearly you suspect this to be so. I'm going to go ahead and say your instincts are probably on point. In any case, I will still provide you with a few... Read more.

Can Relationships Survive Affairs?

Concerned your partner may not be able to get over your brief affair? Whether purely physical or deeply emotional, the damage caused is NOT beyond repair! Yes, You Can Get Through It! This is a sensitive topic. The outlooks definitely vary. But if you ask us, the key to surviving... Read more.

How To Avoid Dating Fuckboys

Young, dumb and full of... common stereotypes that have us mildly concerned. Find out once and for all if you are dating a real man, or a fake fuckboy. How Does One Spot a "Fuckboy"? Look no further than his own reflection! In the window behind you. In your sunglasses... Read more.

How To Avoid Insecurity When Dating A Younger Man

Lifestyles of the young, hot and overly confident can be very intimidating when you're used to dating old, cold, and underwhelming. So what is a girl to do? Don't let those insecurities get to you. You traded up (or technically down) for a reason. It's important to remember what you... Read more.

How To Encourage Your Partner To Talk Dirty

So you want to spice it up, but your partner is a little shy? No problem! We have some handy tips and suggestions to help you ease them into dirty talking like a pro! How Bad Do You Want It? So many relationships lack foreplay these days, and the ones ... Read more.

How To Know She Is In Her Prime

A woman in her prime is like a very fine wine. We refuse to apologize for this rhyme. It was totally worth it, and so is she! Let us prove it to you! Welcome to Prime-Time. The best time to partake in anything is when it is in its prime... Read more.

Should I Date Someone Whose Kids Are the Same Age As Me?

Dating someone who has kids around the same age as you does not need to be a deal breaker. There are many benefits to having adult kids stay in the picture, so don't let it scare you off! Why You Should Consider It. We've written about May-December relationships before, and... Read more.

What To Do When Your Boyfriend Still Lives Like A Teenager

There's actually a name for this dynamic. It's called Peter Pan and Wendy Syndrome. Actually, I'm not exactly sure it's a syndrome. I'm not really a doctor, but I do have a PhD: Pretty Huge Disinterest in juvenile bullshit. So let's explore this, shall we? We'll Go With Syndrome. So... Read more.

With Lonelywifehookups you don't have to worry about affairs, hookups, MILFs or relationships any more!


If you're reading the end of this guide we hope it means you've finished reading all forty help articles. If you haven't yet, what are you waiting for? They're just what you need to jumpstart your affair or hookup. After reading these guides you'll feel so sexy and empowered to go out there and bang that MILF or have the best relationship of your life. So what are you waiting for? Get on with it!

The Essential MILF Hookup Guide - Lonelywifehookups.com

We like to think that when it comes to affairs, hookups, MILFs and relationships, we know everything. That's just not the case! This guide is here to help!

The Essential MILF Hookup Guide - Lonelywifehookups.com