


Where Should I Have An Affair


There are some locations that are better than others when it comes t having an affair.

So, you're ready to dive into your affair but you aren't sure where you should go. Well, you are definitely reading the right article! The location of an affair has to be a careful balance between sexy and practical. And what we mean by that is that you need to make sure it turns you on but also you don't want to get caught. You definitely don't want to get caught! We'll be going over some of the most popular places people have affairs, like hotels and at work, and we'll also look into examining your needs so that you can pick out the best location for you and your affair.

First Of All: Some Statistic

Before we dive into all of the different places that would be suitable for an affair, let's examine some statistics. There's nothing we love more than looking at numbers like this! And we're being totally serious! Statistics help us to get a general consensus of other typical men and women, which can help to inform our own decisions. We also just really love knowing what other people are thinking! These statistics are for the most popular spots to have an affair for both men and women. There will likely be some expected responses but you may also be surprised by some of them! This data was gathered by the Preston School of Economics and represents a sample size of 5,000.


The Most Popular Spots For Men To Cheat

The three most popular spots for men to cheat are a hotel or motel, their office, and a second apartment. Hotels came in at a whopping 75%, while their office was at 20% and a second apartment was at 5%. Many of the men also said that they sometimes like to do both and switch it up between their office and a hotel; it depended on their mood and what they were doing. Travel was also a huge factor; many men only cheat while they are away on business. The second apartment is only low because it is expensive to have second property! But some men who could afford it says it made having an affair that much easier.

The Most Popular Spots For Women To Cheat

The three most popular spots for women to cheat are on a girl's night out, at hotels, and in public. Yes, you read that right: in public! 60% of women said they cheat on a girl's night out while 30% of them say they did it at hotels and 10% admired to cheating in public. The girl's night out tells us that women tend to have more opportunistic or accidental affairs. They may be out at a club having a good time and one thing leads to another. Of the 30% who said they use a hotel, nearly all of them said that the man they were having an affair with was the one who booked the hotel. As for having sex in public, these women said that part of the fun of the affair was having sex in crazy places like cars or public bathrooms!

Let's Break Down All Of Those Potential Affair Locations


Now that we know what the most popular locations are, let's break down each one and look at all of the pros and cons for having an affair there. Some locations are definitely better than others. But at the end of the day it really depends on you and your relationship. What is a good affair location for you might be a terrible location for someone else. It can also vary from affair to affair! So be prepared and willing to potentially have to switch up your go-to affair spot depending on who your lover is.

Hotel or Motel

A hotel or motel is a classic affair location. In fact, there are many motels that seem to specifically cater to getting people booking in just for the evening. They know what the people want! Hotels are popular spots for affairs because you get all the amenities of your own home and bedroom, like a bed and shower, but you are not at home where you could potentially get caught. Depending on the niceness of the hotel there could also be room service or other fun amenities! Of course, the con of a hotel or motel can be the cost. You don't want to sacrifice cleanliness and go too cheap. You also have to worry about a paper trail when it comes to booking a hotel.


An office is another super popular spot to have an affair, especially for men. This is because it is very easy to tell your partner that you have to "work late." In fact they probably won' think anything of it! This means you can be banging your coworker without having to worry too much that your partner will find out. We also like offices because we can play out a naughty boss/secretary fantasy. Of course, since an office is generally full of people you obviously need to make sure you are extra careful of being found out. You also generally want to try to be clean. If you're going at it in public areas, clean up after yourself!

Second Apartment

This is a rarer one due to the expense, but among those who can afford it, it is super popular. It doesn't even have to specifically be a second apartment; just any extra bit of property that you won that is not your main house. Mostly, it is a place that your partner does not know about. People who travel a lot for business may set up a second apartment somewhere. It's even easier to do in a second city because there is very little chance of your partner accidentally finding it. It can be nice to have somewhere more homey and personal for your affair.

Night Out On The Town And In Public

Is there anything more fun than hooking up with someone unexpectedly on a night out? We don't think so! We love the feeling of connecting physically with someone so quick and intense that we have to have them right then and there. Bathrooms or dark corners are clubs are popular spots for both men and women to get down and dirty. But it doesn't stop there: cars, public transportation. Pretty much anywhere that you can fuck, people have done it! Now, while we love the thrill of having sex in public, it comes with its own set of challenges. Mainly: you can get a fine if caught! So be very, very careful if you're having public sex. We recommend easing into it by still picking partially private spots, like bathrooms that you can lock or other rooms that are still semi private. They are a little safer than, say, in an alley or something!

Some Things To Keep In Mind For Your Affair

Now that we've gone over some of the most popular affair spots, we hope that some of them jumped out at you as being more interesting than others! We've also got some more general tips and things to note that apply no matter where you are having your affair, which will will get into below. There are more things to consider than simply where you are going to be having your affair, after all! These are all very important things to consider so pay attention and take note. In fact, they may be more important than the affair locations themselves!

Find Somewhere Where No One Knows You

Something that will inform the location you choose for your affair is making sure that no one knows who you are. Generally everyone who has an affair doesn't want to get caught. And in order to not get caught, you need to go somewhere new with brand new people. So, for instance, don't book into a hotel that a friend frequents often or you know and your partner know the hotel staff. Of course, staff are generally professional and discreet but you never know when word may get out. It's best to go to entirely new places!

Try To Limit Your Time In Public

One of the reasons hotels are so popular is because you can hide away in your room and not worry about people seeing you. Just like we think it's important to pick brand new locations, you also want to not spend too much time out in public. This is especially true if you are having your affair in the same place where you and your partner live. The chances of running into someone that you both know, or even your partner, are much higher the more time you spend in pubic. Just avoid it as much as possible!

Don't Spend Too Much Money

This is both practical advice because in general you should be watching what you spend. But you also don't want to be spending so much money that your partner starts to notice. People who are super serious about not getting caught will someones use cash only or get an entirely new and secret credit card. That way it is even harder for their partner to snoop or accidentally find out. But even then, if you are spending a lot of money on things like hotels, it could impact your regular life and once it does that, there's a higher chance that your partner will notice.

Make Sure It's In A Convenient Location

Almost as important as making sure you are in a location where nobody knows you, you also want to make sure it's as convenient as possible. What we mean by this is that you don't want to have to drive for hours or something super complicated to get to your affair. Not only will that suck the fun out of your affair, but it will make it harder to actually have an affair. The perfect affair location is a careful balance between a totally new location that no one knows and also somewhere super convenient.

Consider Your Own Interests And Needs

In order to get the best out of your affair, you need to consider all of your own needs and interests. This will in turn help you to find the best place to have your affair. Perhaps you have loads of disposable income and travel a lot for work; investing in a second apartment in a new city could be perfect for you! Maybe you can't afford hotels at all; that's okay! Plenty of people have fun hooking up in clubs and bars and you can too! Basically it's all about finding out what the perfect location for you is.

Most Importantly: Be Safe and Have Fun!

Now, the most important bit of advice that we can give you is: be safe and have fun! You want to make sure you're being safe sexually with protection but also that you feel safe and secure in your chosen affair location. Of course, some people get a thrill out of slightly public locations, but that doesn't meant they can't feel a little safe either. And, our advice about having fun should be totally straightforward but it's one that some people can forget. We are always of the mindset of if an affair is not fun, what is the point? So do everything in your power to make it as fun as possible!

A hotel or the office: which location will be you choosing for your next affair?

We hope that you are now feeling inspired and informed to get out there and find the best possible affair location for you. If you are still feeling a bit uncertain, start with a hotel! They are a perfect balance between fun and safety and good for people just starting out.

Where Should I Have An Affair? - LonelyWifeHookups

So, you're ready to dive into your affair but don't know where to go. You've come to the right article! We go over all of the best locations for an affair!

Where Should I Have An Affair? - LonelyWifeHookups