


Why Dating Older Women Is Better Than Dating Younger Women


We're all very familiar with the image and idea of a younger woman dating or hooking up with an older man. It's all around us in the media, and even in real life. There seems to be a more natural attraction between younger women and older men than perhaps there is between a younger man hooking up with an older woman. That said, there's no denying that hooking up with older women is big lately. LonelyWifeHookups.com looks at why dating older women is better than dating younger women.

There are so many perks to dating an older woman, that we find it hard to believe that more men out there aren't doing it. Of course we understand the appeal of a younger woman with perfect skin, a tight body, and perky... everything, but almost everything that makes dating younger women difficult, is eliminated when you date an older woman. Older women have more sexual experience, so know all of the hottest tricks to make you feel good. Older women have lived longer, and by default, have lived more life than a younger woman has. They bring this knowledge and experience to their relationships, and make them so much more interesting.

If you're tired of the drama of dating, you need to date an older woman now! Older women don't have time for that mess. Part of that experience they have, is that they've learned to avoid games and drama. Doesn't dating someone who's incredibly interesting, is zero drama, and absolutely slays in the bedroom sound amazing?

Men are in their sexual prime in their twenties. They're non-stop sex machines who can't get enough. If you're a guy, you've perhaps noticed that when you were dating women your own age, they aren't always as interested in sex as you are. Well say 'goodbye' to being told that your woman has a headache, or had too long a day at work. Women enter their sexual prime sometime in their 30s and 40s. If we haven't convinced you to get out there and hookup with an older woman, let's investigate how dating an older woman is better than dating a younger woman in a little bit more detail. Are you ready? Sit down, because we don't think that you are.

Sexual Experience

Sexual experience is probably the thing that's brought you to the point where you're reading up on the perks of dating an older woman. Everything else that comes along with it is fantastic, but we're sexual creatures, and the sexual attraction that comes with dating a woman your own age or younger woman is usually the first thing that makes you enter into a relationship with someone. So if you've heard great things about dating older women, the first thing that popped into your mind was likely the image of having sex with an older woman. An older woman is more often than not, not as physically fit as a younger woman. As we age, so do our bodies. We can take care of our bodies through exercise, healthy eating, and such, but even while treating it well, there's going to be deterioration. That's just how our bodies work. So thinking about the difference between grabbing a young butt versus grabbing an older butt is worth doing. For some people, there isn't much difference. To others they'll seem like night and day.


But allow us to let you in on a little secret. When you're having sex with a young woman, your partner has most likely had less than a decade or two of sexual experience. When you have sex with an older woman, their experience is usually at least double that, and believe us... you can tell! We've all had bad sex before. Sometimes it's our fault. Sometimes it's our partner's fault. The majority of the time, it's due to poor communication. An older woman has been there and done that. She's had enough bad sex, and is comfortable enough in their bodies that they aren't interested in having more bad sex. Most of them have figured out how to better communicate what they wan, and ask their partners what they want. Even if the source of the problem is perhaps a physical situation on your side, your mature sexual partner has seen it before, and isn't going to sweat it. They're also most likely not going to let you maybe roll over, embarrassed, and put off having sex. Their experience will make sure that you get your confidence up ASAP, and you're ready to get it on in no time, even if five minutes before, you were sure it wasn't going to happen.

Sex with an older woman also comes with a huge amount of eye-opening moments. They've got moves you have NEVER seen before, and they're going to blow your mind with them. One of the best parts of being a mature sexual partner is having the ability to please your partner in a way that they haven't been pleased before, and that they know they can't get anywhere else.

No Games, No Drama


We don't mean to say that younger women don't have moves in the bedroom. Of course they do. Some more than others, but of course they do. A lot of younger women however, are taught to use sex as a bargaining chip. How many of you have had your partner do something that drives you wild, but when you ask them to do it again, they tell you that it's "special", or that you have to "earn it"? These are strange games that a lot of young women (and men, to be completely fair) play, that makes dating an older woman far more attractive. You're extremely unlikely to find an older woman who withholds sex from their partner because they want something in exchange.

Older women don't ned anything from you. They've lived a full life, and are strong independent women, who provide for themselves. They of course will enjoy your company as a person, but they don't need your money. Excuse us for bing so crude, but all they really need from you is your body. The term "boy toy" is one that some people like, and others don't. Some men find that it emasculates them, while others love the fact that they're being used by a confident and sexy woman to satisfy her sexual needs, and love to reap the rewards of the sex that they give back.

When you're hooking up with, or dating an older woman, it also means that it's very easy to discuss the labels that you're putting on your relationship, and what boundaries are in place. With a younger woman, if you only want to hook up, and aren't interested in dating, there's a very good chance that they're going to take it personally, and be upset that you don't want to date them. Even if they don't want to date either, and say that to you, there's something in our DNA that makes our first reaction is to take it personally. Even if we didn't want to have a monogamous relationship, we want to know why our partner doesn't. It's silly. An older woman has lived for so much longer than you, and has gone through that silly scenario too many times to go through it again. Open communication, and low expectations of everyone until they prove you wrong is their default speed when entering into a potential romantic relationship.

In Their Prime

We might have a bit of a one track mind, but let's just go back to how good the sex with an older woman is for a moment, but from a different angle. There's been a bit of disagreement over when men and women reach their sexual primes, but it has been long-believed that men enter their primes in their early 20s, while women are hungrier for sex in their 30s and 40s. So it makes great sense for younger men to date older women, in order to maximize the intensity of the sexual desire in the bedroom (kitchen, living room, or wherever you want to do it, really).

So not only do older women have the sexual experience that we previously discussed, but also are much hornier than younger women. What more could you ask for?

Older & Wiser

With age, comes experience of course, but also knowledge. A woman who has lived a longer life than you, has so many more life experiences to tell you about. They've probably read more books than the younger women you've been dating. Seen more things than them. Been to more parts of the world, and experienced more cultures than them (and you). We could go on and on about how much more older women bring to the table, but you surely get the point. Going out for drinks or dinner with an older woman offers up conversation that you're just not going to get from a younger woman, unless you've somehow lucked out and swiped right on a miracle 20-something.

If you go out for dinner with an older woman, you won't be expected to pick the wine you want to order, because your date is going to have been around for many more vintages than you have, and will pick the right wine out for the meal you're about to eat.

You're going to be able to discuss almost any topic that you might want to discuss. And again, we're not saying that there aren't some amazing younger women out there in the dating scene, but the knowledge and experience of an older woman is just unmatched.


The key to sexiness for most people is confidence. If you want a confident woman, go into your dating app search settings, and up the age range from what you've got them set to right now. Look at their profile pictures. Read their bio. We're willing to bet that 9 out of 10 of the women you're looking at are no-nonsense ladies who tell you exactly what they're looking for in a relationship (or hookup), and aren't going to think that they're clever by saying, "...if you can't tell the difference between 'their', 'there' and 'they're', don't message me." The mistake is usually because of a phone's autocorrect, ladies.

Older women like to be told they're beautiful or sexy, but they definitely don't need it, and will rarely give it a second thought if you haven't texted them in the last half hour. Older women know themselves, and are in control of their lives. If they stop getting what they need from you, they'll move onto the next young stud that's slid into their DMs.

Save Some Money

Dating can be expensive. Even more expensive when you're going out on a million dates with young women, who really sometimes seem like they're more interested in a free meal than they are talking to you. They're not the norm, but you always find yourself on one of those dates at some point in your singledom.

With older women, they don't want you to pay for things. They have their own money. If anything, there's a good chance that they end up buying things for you. Many older women have long ago shrugged off the gender stereotypes that suggest that the man should pay for everything, and because of that, is the one in control. These strong and sexy older women have enough money to pay the bill. They'll often look at their young lovers as trophies as well, so they want to keep you happy, well-fed, well-sexed, and at their fingertips at all times for when they want a little young booty call.

Dating older women may not be for everyone, but our experiences have all been great ones, that we suggest you at least try before you write it off. You could be missing out on exactly what you're looking for.

Why Dating Older Women Is Better Than Dating Younger Women - LonelyWifeHookups.com

there's no denying that hooking up with older women is big lately. LonelyWifeHookups.com looks at why dating older women is better than dating younger women

Why Dating Older Women Is Better Than Dating Younger Women - LonelyWifeHookups.com