


Do Men Find Older Women More Attractive?


A lot of men are hooking up with older women, which brings the question, do men find older women more attractive? LonelyWifeHookups.com has the answer!

There's a lot to unpack when it comes to this question, because like most things in the dating world, it's not as black and white as we probably wish it was. With the increase in men who're dating older women, it would certainly seem like they do. There's a lot of evidence to show that many younger women find older men more attractive than men their own age, and if men and women were the same, we could easily use that as proof that the opposite is also true.

We know of course that men and women are not the same however; men being from Mars, and women being from Venus, and all. Research shows that women are more attracted to personality than physical beauty, while men are visual beasts by nature. So when younger women are attracted to an older man, it's presumably because of his maturity, and the experience and personality that he's developed throughout his life. When it comes to women, it's been found that a larger number of men are physically more attracted to a younger woman than an older woman. You might notice that we said "larger number of men" and not "all men" (not that "not all men".. that's another article for another day). There are many men who are far more attracted to older women than they are younger women. In the same way that some women are more attracted to older men, some men find themselves incredibly drawn to older women, and find their experience, intelligence, and confidence incredibly sexy.

So while it can't universally be said that all men find older women more attractive, it is certainly true that many do, and if you're an older woman, you should get out in the world and find these men, because they will worship the ground you walk on. If you're one of the men who finds older women more attractive, and is just checking to make sure you're not abnormal, rest easy. You're good, and you're attraction to older women is going to pay off big time.

Let's take a look at some situations where an older woman is very clearly a more attractive option.

There Are No Bad Dates

We've all been on bad dates, where our date shows up, doesn't look like their profile picture, and is not much of a conversationalist.

One of the most attractive parts of an older woman, is that they've had more bad dates than we've had good ones, and they've learned how to navigate the awkward first date jitters to make sure that even if a date isn't the best date of all time, it's fun.


Confidence is something that you build up through life for most people. There are people that were just born with unflinching confidence, but does anyone actually trust those people? The confidence that an older woman has is so much different. It feels natural, and like it has FACTS to back it up if someone were to question its legitimacy. There are very few things that are sexier than a confident woman.

Not all older women are confident, but in our experience, women who aren't willing to settle for dating unmotivated men their own age who don't take care of themselves as much as they do, aren't lacking confidence. It's their confidence and belief in the fact that they deserve better than what men their own age and older are offering her, that pushes them to seek out the companionship of younger men. Knowing what you want is also something that's very sexy to a young man, because for the most part, men have no clue what they want to do in life until it seems like an uphill battle. So to see a strong and inspiring woman, realizing her desires, is a great motivator (and turn on).


Having Your Act Together


If you were to make a top five list of things that are annoying about most men you've dated, we're willing to bet that way up near the top is going to be that they don't have their act together. Something about it just seems to be forever just out of their grasp, no matter how many times the women they date tell them that they'll end things if they don't get their act together.

So when an older woman comes into a young man's life, and has her life under control to a degree that he's never seen before, he becomes enchanted, and something in his subconscious believes that there's something special about the woman. Because it doesn't make sense to a lot of young men when they can't figure out how to do something.

To see someone else able to conquer their biggest challenge, while also being hot, is a mind melter, and it sets off alarm bells of attraction that they've never felt before.

Depending on how easy it was for you to get your life sorted and under control, this might feel like a very strange thing to trigger a man's attraction towards you, but just roll with it. The attraction is a strong one.


Do you remember when you were younger, hooking up with people for no reason other than for something to do? There's still a lot of that going on in the dating scene right now, so the dating life of a young man isn't always the most dignified thing around, so again when they see the class, grace, and dignity that you present yourself with, these fools lose their damn mind, and wonder why none of the other girls they've hooked up with have been anything like you. The answer is of course obvious with age, but to a man who hasn't figured his life out yet, it's just another reason to be in awe of older women.

When Older Men Get TOO Old

When older men date younger women, their hubris doesn't allow them to recognize that those relationships or flings are going to come to an end one day, and they're going to find themselves forced to attempt to date women their own age again. When this happens, they find that their old flames are doing the same thing that they had done, and are dating younger men. If they find a peer who will date them however, they realize very quickly how foolish they were to waste some of the best years of their lives dating younger women out of vanity, and all of the even better times that they could have been having with women their own age. They realize how the image of "beauty" that we're spoonfed by the media every day isn't the be all and end all of what's beautiful, and that their attraction to an older woman is equal to, if not greater than the one they had for the younger woman. Because there's far more substance to an older woman, and they're less concerned with what other people think, so the real them is what shines through when you see them.

No Nonsense

We all get to a certain point in life where we're tired of dealing with things that are nothing more than distractions or negtative energy in our lives. We try to rid our lives of any fake friends, or cell phone apps that we find draining us of our valuable time more than it's draining our cellphone batteries. Our tolerance for unpleasant relationships becomes much smaller, and we begin to search for things that will improve our quality of living without any risk of drama or similar nonsense.

Like in most things, women have this figured out long before men do, so this is another thing that draws them towards them, and ultimately finding themselves attracted to these older women because they've figured out what they see as the key to happiness and a better life, so they want to get some of that in their own lives. Whether they do that by admiring a woman from afar, or by hitting on them in hopes of dating them, and being told the secret to not putting up with any nonsense in life.

Less Competition

This point is a little bit of a backhanded compliment, but because of the fact that the majority of younger men still would rather hookup with a woman their own age, or younger, the competition when it comes to trying to hook up with or pick up an older woman, makes things much easier for men who prefer older women. This is sometimes even the root of a man's attraction to older women, oddly enough. In high school, if they find the competition far too much, and are never the one that the girl they like picks to go out with, a man's focus can shift from the women that all of his peers are infatuated with, to other women who aren't as widely sought after. This could be a peer who is considered a nerd, unpopular, or maybe even ugly, but who he can see beauty in. It can also if the right older woman is around, manifest itself in a newfound appreciation for the beauty of an older woman. Sometimes it's a teacher's assistant in university, or a waitress at a restaurant who's being nice for a good tip or feels bad for the guy. The most common is teachers, professors, or bosses. Women who're in positions of power over them. Though the most frequently told story is about women who're attracted to the power of men, men are just as attracted to power.

In many of these cases, nothing actually ends up happening between the young man and the older woman, but those times where they lusted after them are formative times, and will stay with them later in life.

These Things Take Time

A beautiful young woman creates an incredibly strong attraction in most men, but when things hit the bedroom, depending on the young woman's experience, things aren't always as hot or satisfying as we had expected them to be. It takes time for a woman to become comfortable with her body, and learn how to communicate what it is that they want from their partner, and to ask their partner what it is they want. This experience is one of the most attractive things in the world, so of course when a man meets a woman that he can tell knows exactly what she wants in her sex life, and is a generous lover in return (and who who has a bunch of tricks that they've probably never seen before), they're going to be extremely attracted to them. The things that men are willing to do for sex is on a good day, extremely embarrassing, but when they find themselves in the presence of a self-assured and clearly sexual woman with more experience than them, they may be slightly nervous about approaching the older woman, but the attraction is undeniable, and something must be done about it.

The same can't be said for when a man encounters a younger woman who is incredibly fit and sexy, but who doesn't seem to know what she wants, and maybe looks like is going to cause a lot of drama come morning time when it's time to either sneak out of her bedroom without her noticing, or sticking around to have breakfast with her. When that end result is a possibility, she becomes far less attractive than the older woman who knows what she wants, and isn't going to give a damn if you sneak out in the morning. In fact, she'll probably be awake when you do, and just pretend to sleep until she hears the door shut behind you.

Do Men Find Older Women More Attractive? - LonelyWifeHookups.com

A lot of men are hooking up with older women, which brings the question, do men find older women more attractive? LonelyWifeHookups.com has the answer!

Do Men Find Older Women More Attractive? - LonelyWifeHookups.com