


Is It Okay To Cheat On My Partner?

Society wants us to believe that cheating is bad, but it doesn't have to be.


A question that gets asked all the time, especially when it comes to long term relationships is: is it okay to cheat on my partner? The answer to that question can depend on a lot of factors; what we're trying to say is that there isn't a definitive answer. But, if you consider all the factors in your relationship, you can definitely come up with an answer! The most important thing that you need to do is ask yourself why you want to cheat and then also think about if you want to keep it a secret and what you would do if you were found out. Knowing these things about your relationship will have you well on your way to finding out if it's okay to cheat on your partner.

It Varies From Relationship

Like we mentioned above, this situation can truly vary from relationship to relationship. There is no easy answer! That is because each relationship is different and each person can approach cheating in a different way. You could also feel different about cheating depending on how you went about it or if you got caught.

All of these things need to be considered so you can find out whether or not it is okay to cheat on your partner. It is important to remember that once you reflect and find out the answer for one relationship, it might not necessarily applied to all relationships.


Ask Yourself Why You Want To Cheat


The first thing that you need to do is ask yourself why you are cheating. This is a very important question to ask because intentions are everything. It is also good to judge your own mindset regarding the cheating. This can have an impact on how you feel about the cheating and also how your partner could feel about the cheating if they found out. In general it is always a good idea to know why you are doing something too, especially something like cheating. Cheating can have a drastic impact on your relationship so you always want to know exactly what you are getting into and why.

Below we'll outline some of the reasons why you might be cheating.

You Want To Get Laid

One of the main reasons that people cheat is because they want to get laid. Often they aren't getting good sex from their partner or they want something more or different. So they seek out a sexual relationship from somewhere else. If you are not being satisfied by your partner and you've tried everything else, it's almost not your fault if you need to explore other sexual opportunities. After all, what is a relationship without sex, right? And if you've been with your partner for a long time, maybe you're tired of the same old routine and want to spice things up. If you've tried to do that exploring with your partner and it hasn't worked, the next thing could be to start cheating.

You Want To Do Something Naughty

Another reason that people cheat is because they want to do something bad. Now, this would imply that if people cheat because they know it is bad, then cheating could definitely not be "okay," because bad things aren't okay, right? Well, it can be a little more complicated than that. Yes, we generally want to avoid doing bad things to our partners but sometimes being bad makes us feel very, very good. And if the result is good, then it must be a little okay. At least, that is what we keep telling ourselves!

You Want To Get Even

Revenge cheating is another popular reason for cheating. While it certainly isn't as popular as the other two, it shouldn't be discounted as a valid reason to cheat. Let's say you're mad at your partner over something. You could say mad at them and direct your feelings of anger toward them, which would make them feel worse. Or you could channel that energy into cheating on them. Now, the mindset here is that you are cheating knowing full well that they would be hurt if they found out, but that is the thrill that gets you off, which more or less makes it okay!

You're Bored

Next to wanting to get laid, being bored is definitely one of the most popular reasons that people cheat. And there is nothing worse than being bored. Sometimes a feeling of boredom can be worse than a need to have sex or a desire to exact revenge. Boredom can be a bad sign in a relationship but exploring other options like cheating can help to make things exciting again.

The Reasons Don't Matter, But You Need To Own It

Most important to remember, your reasons for cheating are your own. You don't have to explain them to anyone or even justify them. If you want to cheat, you should. That being said, it is still good to know why you are cheating so you can better understand yourself. It will also help you to own it, which is valuable. Owning it simply means taking responsibility for your actions. This is especially important because cheating is generally perceived as a negative thing so you want to be feeling as positively about it as possible.

Do You Want To Tell Your Partner?

Most people tend to want to keep their cheating a secret. Either they don't want their partner to find out about their affairs because it could hurt them or even more simply: it is none of their business. Whether you want to tell your partner is entirely up to you. However, it's important to think about both of your options and weigh the pros and cons. This can be a big factor in deciding whether or not it's okay to cheat on your partner.

The Pros Of Telling Your Partner

There are two ways you can tell your partner: you can tell them in advance or you can admit what you did after the fact. Not very many couples are open about their affairs and cheating habits but it is starting to become more common for partners to be openly non-monogamous. If this is the case with your relationship then you are pretty much totally okay to be cheating on your partner.

If you are thinking about telling your partner in hopes that it can bring you closer together or you can start a new side to your relationship, it can be very valuable to tell them that you are cheating or want to cheat.

If you decide to tell them after the fact because you want to come clean or you are feeling guilty, that feeling of confession can also be good for your relationship and could make things better.

The Cons Of Telling Your Partner

Generally, though, telling your partner that you are cheating is a surefire way to end a relationship. The idea of being in a relationship is to be faithful and monogamous to that one person. Cheating is the complete opposite of that! By telling your partner you could risk them wanting to leave you or worse, feeling terrible about themselves. And it is likely that you don't want for either of those things to happen. That is why it is usually a way better idea to keep your cheating to yourself.

Knowing whether or not you will tell your partner about your cheating is an important step in realizing if it is okay to cheat on your partner. Even if you want to keep it from them, which is totally fine, you should still know.

What Would You Do If Your Partner Found Out?

Another good thing to be thinking about is what would happen if your partner found it. Would you be upset? Would you be relieved? Would you not care? While you will certainly do everything to make sure that your partner never finds out about your cheating, it's good to think about this. One, because you want to be prepared and have a good excuse or explanation lined up. And two, if you imagine your mindset of your affair being discovered, it can help put you in the perfect mindset to decide if it is okay to cheat on your partner.

Do You Want To Cheat Or Leave?

Some people cheat because they like to cheat or they get a thrill out of it, yet at the end of the day they still want to stay in relationship. Just as many people cheat because they want to get out of their relationship. If you are in the later category, we recommend trying to end your relationship. You likely, after going through all of the prior tips and guidelines, are starting to have a strong feeling about whether you're doing this because you like cheating or you want to get out of your relationship. If you do want to get out, trust us when we say that cheating will likely not make things better.

What Society Thinks of Cheating

Like we've mentioned before, cheating is generally frowned upon. So if you were to ask a large group of people to in general say whether cheating is good or bad, they would likely say "bad." However, as we have been discussing here, there are more shades of grey to it than just "good" or "bad." Ultimately it is up to you! Regardless of that empowering sentiment, society still for the most part deems cheating as one of the worst things you can do in a relationship. This is something that you'll want to keep in mind while you're cheating.

People May Judge You

Another factor that may change whether or not you think it is okay to cheat on your partner is the judging you may encounter. Like we've just mentioned, cheating is for the most part frowned upon in society. So there is a good chance if people find out that they will judge you poorly for it. Will that change how you feel about cheating? It is good to think about these things so you can be totally prepared for how cheating will make you feel and how it will have an impact on your life.

Ultimately, It Is Your Own Business

At the end of the day, regardless of what society and other people will think, cheating is none of their business. You should be able to do what you want with your life and that includes whether or not you have affairs.

What we are trying to say here is that your actions don't exist in a bubble, especially if you have a partner. Cheating affects them almost as much as it affects you, even if you are keeping it from them. That is why it is so important to consider all of these factors when it comes to cheating. That will ultimately put you in the right mind set to decide whether or not it is okay to cheat on your partner.

If you are answering "yes" to that question, then likely after going through this guide you feel that cheating is still best for you, that it will somehow help your relationship, or that it wouldn't be the worst thing in the world to happen to you and your partner.

If you are answering "no" to that question, then likely you've decided that you or your partner would likely be worse off after you have cheated, which in turn makes cheating not okay for you.

Get the most out of cheating by figuring out whether or not it's okay for you!

So do you have your answer? Sometimes it can be difficult to get a straight yes or no. If you are still feeling not sure or on the fence, you could try to get more confident in your decision. But remember, even though your partner's feelings are super important and likely you care about them, your feelings are still most important at the end of the day. Remember, you need to take care of yourself! And if that involves cheating, then go for it!

Is It OK To Cheat On My Partner? - LonelyWifeHookups

A question that gets asked all the time is it okay to cheat on my partner? The answer to that question can depend on many factors which you will find here!

Is It OK To Cheat On My Partner? - LonelyWifeHookups