


What Not To Do During A Hookup

If you're able to get a first date but not a second, you could be doing one of these hookup no-nos. Find out what you should never do during a hookup.


Maybe your date seems to be going really well when suddenly they lose interest. You might be thinking, "What did I do to screw up my hookup?" Whether you're a cougar on the prowl, or a young man looking for a Mrs. Robinson - these rules apply. Keep reading these expert-approved, 5 cougar den secrets: What not to do during a hookup. When you find out what's holding you back from hookups, you can begin dating the types of men or women you desire.

Hookup Don't #1: You're Too Thirsty

Even if you're feeling parched for love, don't let your potential lover know about it. This applies to before, during, and after your hookup. You need to keep your cool or your new love is going to say, "Bye, Felicia." This is absolutely the number one dating sin, Hookup Don't #1: You're Too Thirsty.


How do you know if you're behaving like you're thirsty? If you're fawning all over your date and acting overly complimentary, it can get really annoying. Moderation is key to successful flirting. Putting it all out there for a sustained period of time can come off as desperate. It can also seem disingenuous, and your hookup may think you do it to everyone.

You might be really excited, and things could be going fantastically - but there's no quicker way to suck the moisture out of the air than by planning your next date before you've even finished your first. You can give a sweet kiss and let them know you'll contact them - but leave the details until the next day. Let them leave with the buzz of an exciting hookup, eager to see you again, not knowing if you'll be available in the future. Waiting to bring up your next hookup is also a good way to gauge their interest level. Sometimes people feel on the spot and will fake making plans to avoid an awkward situation, so you can't really be sure if they mean it until you give it a few days anyway. Enjoy the ride, and then roll with it!

It's a big turn-off if you talk about how you get ditched after hooking up, or how you've been burned by lots of hookups before. Whining about exes and previous flings only make you look bad, sad, and so thirsty. Avoid committing this cardinal sin, and cross "Hookup Don't #1: You're Too Thirsty" off your list.

Hookup Don't #2: Don't Go Overboard On The Kink


Save the strap-on, thigh-high stilettos, and wax for the fourth or fifth date. Even if you think your date is into it, if you threw something out there and they agreed, it might not actually mean they wanted to do it. If you thought you had the kind of night that moved mountains but never heard from them again, you might have overdone it with the kink. It's never good to bring out the kink unless that's how you met in the first place.

Keep it as neutral and vanilla on the first date, as possible. By sticking to the basics, you can keep the attention on each other and the fun of the hookup. If you're looking for a relationship, busting out the advanced moves is a surefire way to scare off any potential partner. Even if it's the first time you've ever done that specific fetish, they'll always be wondering what kind of things you got up to before they came along - and imaginations can do a lot of damage!

So, unless you're both super into it - avoid "Hookup Don't #2: Don't Go Overboard On The Kink."

Hookup Don't #3: Don't Make Age-Specific Comments

Whether you're an older woman or a younger man, leave the age conversation and comments off the table. You both know there's an age difference, but the more your focus goes to that the less hot the hookup will be. For a majority of people, age is tied up in a lot of social expectations and pressures. You can still be totally into hooking up with someone decades younger or older than you, but it doesn't mean you need to acknowledge it to the person you're sleeping with. Down the road, you might find these conversations coming up, but for the first few hookups, it's best to remain - pardon the pun - mum on the subject.

"Hookup Don't #3: Don't Make Age Specific Comments" is an absolute hookup no-no. Don't use backhanded compliments. Check your "You look great for your age!"s at the door. Leave your "You're so mature for your age"s behind. Keep your compliments focused on how great she looks, her skills, her personality - without relating it to her age or when she was born. And ladies, keep your compliments toward your younger man about how strong, smart, tastefully dressed, and masculine he is.

Hookup Don't #4: Don't Make Your Hookup Uncomfortable

If your place is more like a frat house than a condo, then consider taking your hookup to a hotel. Ladies, if you've got kids sleeping at home, please consider taking your boy toy to a hotel. No one wants to get hot and heavy spending the night flirting, only to come home to crying babies, dirty dishes, and empties, fluorescent lights, or screaming 20-somethings. Much like the "don't" above, this one can make the age difference really apparent and awkward. If you want to have a successful hookup, you need to set the right environment for it!

Younger men, pay attention. Unless you're in your early twenties, women need a little ambient lighting and a comfortable place for their hookup. Even if you think the woman you're with is the most gorgeous MILF on the planet, she probably has insecurities. Don't treat her like a frat boy conquest. She probably doesn't want to hump to super-loud music, and she definitely doesn't want to come back to an apartment full of other young bros.

Put on some soft music in the background. All you need is some jazz or an ambient playlist. It doesn't need to be "cool," it just needs to set the mood. You're not really going to be listening anyway, right? Always use your discretion and err on the side of caution when it comes to bringing a mature woman back to a not-so-nice apartment.

Women, if you're just looking to hook up - avoid bringing any guys home to your kids. Hire a sitter for the night and book a hotel room. There's nothing that can scare a younger man away quicker than a long drive to the suburbs and a kid jumping on him in the morning. Avoid "Hookup Don't #4: Don't Make Your Hookup Uncomfortable," at all costs.

Hookup Don't #5: Don't Drink Too Much

We don't want to get preachy on you, but if you want to impress your object of attraction avoid getting wasted on the first date. If it's your first time in the cougar den, you might be nervous - but don't let that push you to indulge too much. If you're a woman, it can make you careless and look like a mess. If you're a young guy, it can impact your performance and make you seem immature. You want to do everything you can to enjoy your hookup, and make it amazing as possible so that you get a second one!

While enjoying drinks is a fun way to break the ice before your hookup, avoid going overboard. Studies show that the drunker people are when they hook up with someone, the less likely there will be a second time. This can often be because they feel shame about getting so drunk and worry they might have embarrassed themselves; because the other person got so drunk they passed out or weren't fun to mess around with; or because they made a bad judgment call. If you don't want your hookup to be a regret - "Hookup Don't #5: Don't Drink Too Much."

Hookup Don't #6: You're Not Communicating What You Want

If you hook up with someone, whether it's after a wonderful date or someone you met at a bar, and you have no idea why they aren't returning your texts - it could be because you weren't on the same page. If you're looking for a relationship and they were just stopping through the city for the night, then you're definitely not looking for the same thing. A big 'what not to do' when hooking up with someone - is being unclear about what you do and don't want.

You don't need to get deep on your first hookup - we'd caution against that! - but communication is always key to making a hot hookup work. Inexperienced lovers go from zero to hundred faster, and experienced lovers like to enjoy foreplay. Make sure to take it slow and guide your hookup through foreplay the way you want it. Communication and confidence is not only going to get you exactly what you want when you hook up, but it's a turn-on.

If you find that you're facing the same problems, again and again, it could be because you're committing "Hookup Don't #6: You're Not Communicating What You Want."

If you're not doing any of the above things, then you could be committing our final "don't" sin.

Hookup Don't #7: Your Personal Hygiene Leaves Something To Be Desired

We didn't want to have to be the ones to say it, but you could be suffering from a personal hygiene fail. They liked your photos, you hit it off over text, and you met up. After a little while though, you can see that glazed over look in their eye. Maybe you're just nervous and struggling with conversation, maybe you weren't as tall or slim as your photo suggested, or maybe it's bad hygiene! One of the biggest hookup mistakes of all is "Hookup Don't #7: Your Personal Hygiene Leaves Something To Be Desired."

To ensure that you're showing up to your date fresh as a daisy, make sure to do all of the following:

1. Floss regularly and right before your date.

2. Brush your tongue when you brush your teeth. Nothing will kill a date faster than gingivitis.

3. Have a shower before your date. If that's impossible, make sure you have some wet wipes on you and give yourself a rub down before you meet up!

4. Wear clean clothes and don't wear shoes that smell.

5. Don't overdo it on the cologne or perfume. The only thing worse than body odour is body odor masked with liters of artificial scent.

Now You're Versed In Hookup Don'ts, Go Get 'Em!

While that long list of hookup don'ts may feel daunting right now, there's plenty you can do to make sure your hookups and relationships work out exactly how you want them to! There's nothing stopping you from enjoying as many successful hookups as you desire. There's plenty of fish in the sea, and they're all waiting for you to lure them in with your skills.

If you're a young stud looking to hook up with an older woman, check out this popular article, The Guide On How To Hook Up With Sexy, Single Cougars. If you're a cougar on the prowl, then 7 Dos: How To Hook Up With A Man Way Younger Than You is a must-read!

What Not To Do During A Hookup - LonelyWifeHookups

If you're able to get a first date but not a second, you could be doing one of these hookup no-nos. Find out what you should never do during a hookup.

What Not To Do During A Hookup - LonelyWifeHookups