


How To Have An Affair Without Getting Caught


When people are thinking about having an affair, they generally don't want to get caught. We think we can all agree that most people want to keep their affair a secret, right? Right! But not getting caught in your affair can take a lot of work.

We've put together all of the best steps to follow in order to not get caught, from planning and preparing to knowing yourself to even little things like getting a new credit card. Seriously, this guide has every step you could ever need!

Know What You're Getting Into When It Comes To Affairs

Before we get into the nitty gritty tips, you'll want to be aware of exactly what you're getting into when it comes to having an affair. Affairs aren't like romance novels or made for TV movies. Real life is slightly less exciting than that, unfortunately! Now that isn't to say that an affair isn't fun and amazing, but it just means to stay grounded and try not to get swept up in everything. Another important thing to remember is that an affair always involves feelings, even if you want to avoid them. It involves your feelings, your partner, and even the person you're having the affair with. Being aware of these feelings can help you to keep them in check!


Know Yourself, Your Partner, and Your Lover


We've just talked about minding your feelings, and that leads perfectly into this next point! In order to keep your affair a secret you need to fully understand all parties involved. We're talking about you, your partner, and your lover. Now obviously you don't want your partner finding out but in order for them not to find out you need to fully understand them and their habits and their personality. For example, if your partner always comes home early on Wednesdays you wouldn't always want to be out then. That's just a silly example but we hope you get what we mean! It's also important to fully understand yourself. What your weaknesses are, for example, because those could give your affair away!

Keep Your Affair In Perspective

One of the most important things to remember in keeping your affair a secret is to keep it in perspective. Don't let it sweep you off your feet and forget what it is: an affair. Despite your affair, you still have a partner and responsibilities that you can't forget. You never want your affair to take over your life because it will be harder to keep it a secret that way. So always think of your affair as an affair and that way you can be sure to keep it a secret and not get caught.

Plan And Prepare

Now that we've gone over some bigger picture ideas, we'll get into more nitty-gritty details about how to have an affair and not get caught. Most importantly, you want to plan and prepare. In order to not get caught you have to be organized. Most people who have had their affairs found out makes some sort of careless mistake. But by staying organized and planning, you are on the right track to not getting caught!

1. Don't Just Jump Into Things

First, don't just jump into an affair. This is an extension of the planning stage, but it's very important to mention twice. This is because affairs can be exciting and you want to dive in head first. But you must resist this temptation! Before getting starting you want to take a few moments to breath and really adjust to your new life of having an affair.

2. Stay Organized

This may sound obsessive, but you will want to plan out your affair down to the day and hour. Yes, this is extreme but it is what will help you from making any mistakes or doing something by accident that will get you caught. We also recommend sticking to a very specific schedule. You may feel like you can meet up whenever and wherever, but that is also how you can make mistakes. By having a very specific schedule, you can settle into a routine. And when you have a routine, you don't have to think so hard about things. It will just come naturally!

3. Don't Get Lazy

As you make it months into your affair without getting caught, you may feel like you're safe or that you'll never get caught. This is when people start to get lazy and complacent and this is exactly the moment that people get caught. So whether your affair is in the first month or the sixth month, always stay sharp and on your toes. Think that you could get caught at literally any moment. And if you are organized and plan, you won't feel stressed or paranoid. That's very important! Because the only thing worse than being lazy is being paranoid! Then your affair won't be fun at all, and what's the point then, right?

Utilize Methods To Keep The Affair Private

Along with planning and preparing, there are some more specific tools that you can utilize to help you keep your affair a secret. By using these tools, you can ensure that nobody will ever find out about your affair.

1. Use Technology Methods To Your Advantage

There are a lot of great apps out there right now that can help to keep your affair a secret. Yes, we're talking about phone apps! You don't want to leave any texts on your phone that could be found, right? Right! That's why we recommend using a special app that will delete all of your texts right away. There are also similar programs that you can use on your computer too to keep everything hidden and encrypted.

2. Don't Write Things Down

A reason why we recommend technology that can hide or wipe your messages is because you should never, ever write anything down. Addresses or notes or anything written on paper can be found by someone else. And that is something that you definitely don't want! It may not seem like a big deal to write down an address or phone number, but in the wrong hands that address could be what reveals your affair. Basically you don't want to leave any sort of trace of your affair.

3. Get A New Credit Card

Since you are having a secret affair, we recommend also having a secret credit card! Credit cards can be tracked and if your partner sometimes uses yours or you have a joint account, there is a chance they could see strange purchases, like dinners or hotel rooms or gifts. With a secret credit card you can spend money worry free that your partner will see what you are purchasing. Of course, even a secret credit card is still a physical thing that can get caught. So the ultimate safe thing to do is always use cash. This can sometimes be difficult, especially for large purchases, but it is a surefire way to keep your spending a secret.

4. Get A New Email

The reasons for this is very similar to the credit card. With a brand new email address, there is no worry about someone seeing an email that they weren't supposed to. Your secret email should only have email addresses saved in it that have to do with your affair and nobody else. That way you never have to fear emailing the wrong person, like your partner, by mistake!

5. Go To Places Where Nobody Knows You

You have your favorite restaurants and you may be tempted to go to them with your lover but try to resist. Your favorite restaurants are ones that your friends or people who know you could also frequent. And if someone else were to see you out with someone else, that could start gossip and rumours that could lead to your affair being discovered. We always recommend finding brand new places to go and keeping them strictly "affair only." That also ties directly into keeping things organized and carefully planning.

6. Limit Your Time In Public

Unless you are always having your affair in an entirely new city, there is a chance you will get seen out by someone you know. So we recommend limiting your time in public. Now, of course it's totally possible to be out with a "friend" but let's be honest, people can usually sense if someone is more than a friend. So along with going to places where nobody knows you, we also recommend just laying low in general. But you can definitely have more fun in private anyway, right? Exactly!

7. A Friend Could Be A Good Idea

Now, you don't want anyone finding out about your affair, but it could be wise to tell a friend. That way you can have an alibi in case your partner starts to ask questions. Having someone trustworthy that you can totally trust is so valuable. Also, it can someones be hard to keep a secret entirely to yourself. It can be a bit lonely. Having someone to confide in for the sake of confiding is super valuable.

Manage The Positives And Negatives Of The Affair

Now that we've gone through some specifics, let's go back to some final big picture things to keep in mind. We aren't gong to lie: there are both negatives and positives to having an affair. It's important not to trick yourself into thinking that there are only good things about affairs. By being aware of the good and bad, it can help to keep things in check. You should also always be aware of the negative things so it can help you stay grounded.

Stay Positive About Your Affair

Even though we want you to stay grounded and keep the negative parts of an affair in your mind, you should always stay positive about your affair. If you are not in your affair for the right reasons then that will definitely lend to you getting caught. As well, if you are acting guilty or sad about your affair, your partner will definitely start to notice.

Don't Forget Your Family Still Matters

Affairs are lots of fun and you are likely having your affair for a specific reason, but it's important to not forget your real life. You know, your job and partner and family. Not only can getting lost in your affair be a surefire way to slip up and get discovered, but it can also make you feel a little bit deluded. Yes, your affair is piles of fun but it is no replacement for real life.

Have A Plan For If You Do Get Caught

Of course you are NEVER going to get caught, especially with these fantastic tips. But you definitely want to have a plan in case you do get caught. We recommend denying, denying, denying for as long as possible. Have some good excuses lined up that are totally believable. If that's not possible, be prepared to have to tell some version of the truth that will satisfy your partner.

What To Do Next

Our final bit of advice is similar to having a good plan if you do get caught. Affairs don't last forever so it's important to know what you are going to do next and have a plan. Will you jump back into another affair or was one enough? Know exactly what you want to do next. Yes, this is exactly like planning and staying organized!

You want to keep your affair a secret and you can with these helpful tips!

And there you have it. We're absolutely certain that by following these steps, your affair can stay exactly how you want it: a total secret. The only people who will find out about your affair are the ones you want to find out.

A Guide To Having An Affair Without Getting Caught

When people are having an affair, they generally don't want to get caught. By following our tips and tricks, you will be able to keep your affair a secret!

A Guide To Having An Affair Without Getting Caught