


The Guide On How To Hook Up With Sexy, Single Cougars


Find out how to hook up with sexy, single cougars. These ten methods will get you laid in the shortest amount of time, with the least amount of effort. Who doesn't love the touch of a good, mature woman? There's nothing like sleeping with an experienced woman when you've been sleeping with clueless twenty-somethings for several years.

Keep reading to find out top dating expert tips in The Guide On How To Hook Up With Sexy, Single Cougars.

1. Offer To Buy Her A Drink

A classic, almost clichéd move is to offer to buy a drink for the sexy cougar you fancy. Make sure you're not wasting your time on a woman whose date is in the bathroom first. Assess her body language and try to read her mood. If she's drinking alone and looks like she's having a rough day, the last thing she probably wants is a guy hitting on her. Come in soft, listen to her, offer conversation versus cheesy pick-up lines. If her body language is open, she's looking around the bar, making eye contact - that's your cue to buy her a drink.

If you're at a bar or a casual restaurant and want to up your drink-ordering game, find out what she's drinking and order it. Avoid bringing the drink over to her yourself, as most women would prefer to receive a drink straight from a bartender. This move has some risk involved, as she could reject your drink - or accept the drink and reject you. So you likely want to save this move for women you find extra special.


If she's out for a fun night with her girlfriends, wait until she's alone and approachable before you offer her anything. However, don't catch her on her way to the bathroom - no woman likes that. The best time to engage her in conversation is right before she's about to order, which is when you should offer to buy her a drink. This way you know she's already planning to have another one, so you don't come across as pushy getting her alcohol. If you just want to chat with her, approach her while she's waiting for her drink to be made.

2. Pay Attention to Signals


If you're trying to get an older woman to notice you, pay attention to signals. In a group situation, try catching her eye a few times before you approach. If she's alone, eye contact is everything. If she seems unapproachable, it might be because she is. Body language is everything in the dating game, especially when looking to hook up with cougars. Mature women are far more aware of their bodies and how to say something with the simple positioning of limbs and gestures.

Before you walk over to her, ask yourself if she's returning eye contact beyond the first glance. Sometimes you might catch someone's eye by accident. You need to catch it at least two or three times, to be sure that it was intentional.

If you're getting some eye contact, look at how she's holding her body. Does she move to hide behind her girlfriends? If she does that, it could be because she senses you're about to come over. The same goes for if she's positioning her body in a protective and closed off manner. If she makes herself easier to get to, and appears open and inviting, then it could be because she wants you to approach her. Just like the peacock, women who are single and looking to mingle, love to show off their assets.

There's nothing older women love more than being the center of male attention when out with their girlfriends. If her body language is open, flirty, she's smiling, playing with her hair, and adjusting her clothes and body to appear more attractive - she's probably hoping you notice her.

3. Pay Attention To What She's Wearing

If the sexy cougar is dressed for a night out at soccer practice, it's probably a lost cause. Just because she's beautiful, doesn't mean she's available. If she put in the effort to make herself attractive, but there's no man around - there's a good chance she's looking for some action. Study whether or not she looks like she came straight from work, or dolled herself up. The more made up she looks, the more you can be sure this sexy, single cougar is on the prowl.

If the dress feels inappropriately glamorous for the situation, then it's definitely for the benefit of the men. If it's low-cut, short, and showing off all of her assets she could be fantasizing about someone like you approaching her. Older women love nothing more than to have a hot, young stud make them feel attractive. If she's single, she's probably already hooked up with a younger man or is hoping to try. Often, even confident older women don't consider hooking up with men over a decade younger unless that young man initiates contact first.

4. Leave The Games For The Boys

Older women appreciate the direct approach, so leave the games for the boys. If you want to play in the big leagues and compete for a mature woman, you better step it up and leave the tricks you learned dating women your own age at the door. Keep it tactful, but convey your interest without beating around the bush in a coy way.

Once you've felt out the situation, don't play hot and cold or hit on her friend. Unless this single cougar is super insecure, those tactics only work on younger women. Cougars appreciate focused attention, confidence, and an engaging conversation. If you tend to bumble over your words, she might find you cute, but it's doubtful she'll find you worthy of hooking up with.

5. Be Interesting And Interested

When you have mature tastes and interests, or something you can be knowledgeable about, it makes you a much more interesting man to talk to. Mature interests don't have to mean golf and wood-carving, it can be learning about different cultures, types of cuisines, the city you live in, or developing a skill that's interesting to women.

Cougars rarely want to hear the history of hockey, but if you can take her to a restaurant and you have stories about the food you're eating - that's something compelling. The more you can be interesting and interested, the more attracted she'll be. If you don't have any interests, think about something that specifically appeals to older women that you could be interested in. Not only will this improve your conversational skills, but it can open up your social circle organically. You could find yourself getting invited to social outings with mature women - which would make hooking up with a cougar a lot easier!

The one caveat to this rule is to make sure you don't come across as a know-it-all. If she seems like she's losing interest in what you're talking about - change the subject. Just because you find planets, aliens, or politics interesting doesn't mean she does.

6. Make Her Feel Beautiful And Sexy - Never Cheap, Desperate, Or Trashy

If you want to impress a cougar, it's all about making her feel special and appreciated. Mature women who pursue younger men are often insecure about their age and appearing desperate - even if they don't show it. Make your dream MILF pant with compliments and adoration. Don't become so overly flattering that you seem too smitten, but make your words count. More can be said with a look and the right words, than twenty different flattering lines. Hone in on what makes her special and attractive. Compliment her eyes, smile, and conversational skills.

The golden rule is to make her feel beautiful and sexy - never cheap, desperate, or trashy. Run the lines through your head to make sure you aren't commenting on her age or asking her what she's doing there. Don't directly ask her if she's single, as this can trigger defensive or emotional responses. Never comment on how you think she's behaving or what you think she needs. If you compliment her on her attire, make sure it's something to the tune of, "that color really suits you," versus "that shirt really shows off your assets." As soon as you make her feel like a piece of meat, she'll make you feel like a piece of trash.

7. Hang Out In A Cougar Den

Get proactive with your dating by frequenting local cougar hotspots. When you hang out in a cougar den, you increase your chances of hooking up with a single cougar by over eighty percent. Most cougars aren't likely to hang out at a bar that caters to older women looking for younger men unless they're helping their friend out.

If you've never been to a cougar den, you'll find different types of women depending on the type of bar you go to. Lower priced bars tend to attract different women than the ones with a wine list. Neither is better or worse than the other, so just consider what type of cougars you're hoping to meet. If you're looking for a sugar mama, a higher priced cougar bar might be more your speed. If you're looking for a one night stand with a cougar - aim low!

8. Impress Her Friends

As the Spice Girls' lyrics go, "If you want to be my lover, you gotta get with my friends." Cougars are no different in their thinking. Of course, they don't want you to hook up with their social circle, but she'll want you to impress her friends. Whether you're meeting the sexy, single cougar at the bar for the first time or you're on your third date - how you treat her friends will play a huge factor in how lucky you get. Engage her friends in conversation and be on your best behavior. If you play your cards right, you'll impress a few of the single cougars and have a few options. However, if there's one lady you have your eye on - keep your flirting focused on her. No one wants to hook up with the guy trying to hook up with everyone.

9. The Easiest And Quickest Way To Meet Cougars Is Online

Before women go looking for men in bars, clubs, or any of the active places that require bold moves, they look to dating websites and apps. Over sixty percent of single cougars try online dating before they try meeting guys in person. The easiest and quickest way to meet cougars is online.

10. Try Frequenting Places Older Women Tend To Enjoy Spending Time At

If you want to meet sexy, single cougars but want to take it slow then the best idea is to acquaint yourself socially with them. If you want to meet older women organically, try frequenting places older women tend to enjoy spending time at. When you take this approach, you'll become more comfortable with being around them and you'll get on their radar. While this is definitely the long game, if you're not ready to be blown away in bed (in more ways than one) this is the safest route.

Some of the most popular places for meeting single, mature women are gyms in residential areas, gyms near offices, wineries, fine dining restaurants near offices, yoga studios, and spas.

Want more information about hooking up with sexy, single cougars?

Lucky for you, our team of top sex and dating experts have compiled an amazing resource for you. Check out our reader-approved The "Where Do I Go To Hook Up With Older Women?" Guide and reader favorite 7 Cougar Den Secrets: What Not To Do During A Hookup. You'll be well on your way to hooking up with older women in no time!

How To Hook Up With Sexy, Single Cougars - LonelyWifeHookups

Find out how to hook up with sexy, single cougars. These ten methods will get you laid in the shortest amount of time, with the least amount of effort.

How To Hook Up With Sexy, Single Cougars - LonelyWifeHookups