


What Is The Difference Between MILFS and Cougars?


The sexual vocabulary is changing every day, so it's not a big deal if you don't know the difference between a MILF and a Cougar. They're similar enough that we can understand the confusion. Have no fear! LonelywifeHookups.com is here to help you answer all of your sex slang questions, like "What is the difference between MILFS and Cougars?".

Typically, MILFs and Cougars are both older women, somewhere in the age range of 45 to 70. MILF stands for "Mother I'd Like to Fuck", which means that the woman in question has children. They are usually an attractive woman, who doesn't look her age, which makes younger men or women (but let's be honest.. you won't find many women using the term) single them out as MILFs. MILFs aren't necessarily looking to have sex with the young men who are attracted to them.

Cougars on the other hand, are older women who actively seek out younger sexual partners. The name 'Cougar' compares the women to the wildcat of the same name, and their predatory nature. Cougars are usually very aggressive in their attempts to lay with a younger man.

There is of course some crossover between MILFs and Cougars, and women can certainly be both at the same time. If you're able to find yourself a lover who is both MILF and Cougar, you have found a magical combination.

MILFs and Cougars are fascinating and extremely sexual women, so we definitely can't just leave it at the simple definitions of the terms. Let's dig a little deeper into what makes MILFs and Cougars so special, and the origins of the terminology.

Stifler's Mom: American Pie & the Rise of the MILF

The term "MILF" is so prevalent in our lexicon, that you may be surprised to find out how relatively new the term is. Though like any expression or slang, it's near impossible to pin point the exact point that it was first said, or who the first person to say it was, but it's believed to have first hit high school hallways, classrooms, and house parties somewhere in the early to mid-1990's.

In 1999 however, the film American Pie was released, and the term caught on like wildfire. It was no longer something that only teenagers said. It became something that frat boys who had seen the film began to use in college dorms, at their part time jobs, and out at the bar with their friends.

American Pie is the only feature film screenplay that screenwriter Adam Herz has had produced, but what an impact it has had!


The son of a brain surgeon (check IMDB trivia if you don't believe us), the scene in which some of the films characters become sexually excited by their friend Stifler's mom, and she's identified as a MILF, changed the way we talk about sexy older women.

On the Prowl


The term "Cougar" was actually penned not too long after the release of American Pie. Talking and writing about sexually active older women became a bit of a hot topic, and in 2001, Valerie Gibson's book "Cougar: A Guide for Older Women Dating Younger Men" was released.

Gibson first noticed how many older women were aggressively hitting on younger men in some of the bars she frequented, and she thought that the topic might make for a good book. She was definitely right, and her poetic description of older women preying on younger men, caught on almost as quickly as "MILF" did.

Older women who liked to date younger men have been around for ages, but seem to be the minority when anthropologists do studies on human mating habits. It has been found that in the majority of relationships, the male is the older member of the couple. Much of this has been related to a desire to have security that many women possess, while men are slower to think about settling down, and avoid more serious relationships by hooking up with younger women who aren't looking to settle down.

It of course goes without saying that not all men and women have the same desires, so of course there are many older women who also aren't looking to settle down, and would rather fuck younger men who sometimes don't have a clue what they're doing (which creates excitement because the woman is able to show them what older women have to offer in the bedroom), and other times, are desired more simply for the fact that they're physical specimens, who're able to have sex for much longer than their contemporaries, and are in much better shape because they still have the metabolism of a young person.

A Catchy Name is Always Good For Business

Before the explosion of the terms MILF and Cougars, the sad fact was that older women weren't being treated as sexual beings by the majority of companies. Products that were "made for them" were typically products targeted towards either mothers, or middle aged women who loved red wine or cats (sometimes even both). But the mothers didn't screw (presumably because Dad was too busy working or watching TV), and single women of a certain age found comfort in comically oversized glasses of wine, their cats, or a nice dinner with friends.

Companies knew that there were older women who were sexy, and out there having active sex lives, but without there being a name for them, it felt imprudent to awkwardly try to market products to them without a name, and making up a name (think "Zoomers") felt like a potential disaster. What if people didn't like the names? What if these women didn't appreciate their new nickname that had been workshopped in focus groups?

When 'MILF' and 'Cougars' came along though, all bets were off! While not all women who fall within the definitions of the terms appreciate the terms, they certainly can't deny that there are many more products on the market that are geared specifically for them, and even better yet, they're getting more action than they ever had before. Now that the majority of the world knows what a MILF is, and participated in using the word when it was fresh, the image of a sexy older woman has become much more normalized than ever before.

Are You Experienced?

Ask anyone who's hooked up with a MILF or Cougar, and they'll no doubt tell you that the biggest thing that they have to offer is a their sexual experience. It of course makes sense that a woman in her 40s is going to be more sexually experienced than a woman in her 20s. That experience brings many tips and tricks that people who've slept with an older woman will almost unanimously tell you are game changers.

The other thing that a lot of people don't take into consideration is that women when they're in their MILF and Cougar age range, are in their sexual prime. It's interesting that men enter their sexual prime earlier in life, while women do so later on, but one could look at that information and take it to mean that the pairing of middle aged women and younger men is the perfect combination if you're looking for the most passionate lovemaking around.

Many younger men who sleep with older women find themselves improved as lovers moving forward. The communication with a MILF or Cougar during sex is much better than it is with a younger woman typically, and that communication leads to the men learning what women want, and taking that knowledge to then show women their own age the time of their lives. So if you're finding yourself perhaps not hitting home runs every time you're hooking up with cuties at your neighborhood bar, you might be wise to hit up a Cougar Bar, and let yourself be preyed upon.

Oedipus Complex

When younger women date older men, it's usually written off as having daddy issues. The idea is that either the women want to find a partner who reminds them of their father for various reasons. That their father is the first man to show them love, and often the most that they've ever received, makes them want to recreate that feeling through their partner (of course with the addition of sex into the equation).

If there are a great number of women who're attracted to men who remind them of their fathers, you know that there's going to a significant number of men who represent the opposite side of that coin, and are attracted to women who're like their mothers.

Sometimes someone who's attracted to someone who's similar to their parent, doesn't even realize it, and this can sometimes be a fairly awkward discovery if the relationship goes on for longer than a casual hookup. Going to a parents' house for Thanksgiving, and many Cougars or MILFs will very often find themselves greeted at the door by a woman who looks very much like them. The protective feelings of a mother or father will also usually frown upon a relationship with an age gap so significant that their son or daughter's partner is close to them in age.


Because of how much porn is made, there's always a desire to make things fresh and new. This is often seen when a new hit movie is released, and an adult film studio will make a porn parody of the film, hoping that it will be a giant hit at the box office, and fans of the film will want to see the parody. The same happens when there's something or someone huge in the news. Do you remember the Sarah Palin porn? Well not only was American Pie a huge success, so of course found itself the subject of a movie parody porn. The hotness of the term 'MILF' caught fire, and the porn industry connected the dots. A new genre of porn was born. Enter the era of MILF porn. A genre that has remained hot ever since. 

In porn, a MILF of course doesn't actually have to be a mother, since that fantasy is very easily created by simply writing a script that features another character playing their son or daughter. A popular scenario is a daughter bringing their boyfriend home to meet their mother, and when the daughter leaves the room, the mother attempts to seduce her daughter's boyfriend. Sometimes this is done as an attempt to ruin the relationship, and then sometimes simply out of the fact that they want to have sex with them. This of course almost always turns into a threeway sex scene where the mother and daughter compete to see which one can better please the lucky guy who finds themselves in the middle of the mother versus mother sex match. It plays off of on a young man's curiosity about whether or not they should hook up with women their own age, or if they should be hooking up with older women.

On the industry side of things, MILF Porn is also a fantastic way to keep adult actresses working for longer than they might have been able to in the past. Now a huge pornstar who's been working for two decades, can continue her career, playing MILFs. Unlike in Hollywood, where when big actresses hit 45 years-old (if not even younger), they find that the roles they're offered are not sexually active women. They're typically mothers, who are only there to support younger characters. In porn now, adult actresses can be offered the chance to continue to play women with an active sex life. MILF porn has also become one of the most popular genres of porn out there.

So watch some MILF porn, and then get out there and hookup with a MILF or Cougar. You won't regret it, and your future partners will thank you for the experience you gain from it.

What Is The Difference Between MILFS and Cougars? - LonelyWifeHookups.com

Have no fear! LonelywifeHookups.com is here to help you answer all of your sex slang questions, like "What is the difference between MILFS and Cougars?".

What Is The Difference Between MILFS and Cougars? - LonelyWifeHookups.com