


Is It Okay To Date Younger Men?

Are you an older woman who's been fantasizing about young studs, and wondering if it's okay to date younger men? LonelyWifeHookups.com says, 'Yes! Do it!' If you need more convincing than that, we're happy to convince you.


Think of 10 of your favorite Hollywood movies about men your age. Now think about old those characters' girlfriends or wives are. We're willing to bet than in at least 7 of them, the man is dating a younger woman. If it's okay for Michael Douglas (in the movies AND in real life!), why shouldn't it be okay for you?

So long as your young beau is of legal age, and you're not playing games with their mind (which is surely no match for yours), then you're all good! If men your own age aren't giving you the attention you deserve... or even if they are, but you're not attracted to their slobby dad bods, there's absolutely nothing wrong with you dating younger men.

Dating younger men isn't always as easy as it might seem, but it can definitely be fun. Let's take a closer look at some of the great and not so great things that come with dating younger men.

Their Bodies

We're going to assume that one of the things you're most interested in by dating a younger man is his body. His full head of hair. His equipment that's ready to go at the drop of a hat (or your panties).

The difference between having sex with a younger man and having sex with an older man is huge. There are benefits to both, but if you're feeling like you're in your prime, and want to spend all night having sex, both you and any older men who might be chasing you, know that you have much better odds of staying up for a marathon sex session with a younger man. And not even just because of his youth and fitness, but because he probably has fewer big world problems hanging over his head every day.


Sex to him is going to be just that. Sex. His only focus is going to be on making sure you have a good time. If only that eager to please and impress attitude stuck around with every guy later in life. We can dream!

Their Minds


This is where a lot of women who're significantly older than their partner can occasionally have some issues. Depending on how young they are, sometimes you might want to keep things more casual, and less of a dating situation, and keep things simple by making it a casual hookup relationship.

If you're not one for one night stands or casual relationships though, and want to try your hand at dating your younger man, that's absolutely fine and normal. Let us give you a couple things to be aware of going into it though. You will find these things out very quickly anyways, but it doesn't hurt to be prepared for it when it happens. That way you don't meet the situation with a frozen stare while you process the situation.

There are plenty of intelligent young men out there, but the majority of the boy toy tight bod boys that you're likely going to target your first time dating a younger man... They're not going to be the quickest guy you've ever dated. Keep in mind that they're still young, and they haven't been fully educated, or had all of the life experiences that you've had. So when they say something mind-numbingly dumb, don't be too shocked.

Teacher/Student Relationship

This connects to our previous talking point quite nicely. Your life experience and all of the knowledge that you've aqquired throughout your life is going to be fascinating to your new young boyfriend. You're probably going to say something that would be common knowledge among your friends, but maybe references something that happened when your guy was just a little baby. So if they say they don't know what you're talking about, or say, "Woah! You're so smart, you know?" after you say something that he for sure should already know, just either explain to them what you're talking about, or act flattered.

Stand-up comedian, Jen Kirkman is a middle-aged divorcee who talks about her experiences dating younger men after getting divorced. She has an incredibly funny part in one of her stand-up specials where she talks about a time that she hooked up with a young drummer from a band that she went to see, and when she took him home, he marvelled at the fact that she had a bottle of wine at home AND wine glasses to drink it out of, and told her that she was the fanciest lady he'd ever gone home with. It's things like that that you're going to encounter more often than you really want to, but if you keep the right mindset, you'll learn to just tune out.

If your guy is curious, that's great. You can answer his questions without seeming or feeling condescending. Depending on how long you want to date for, you can put in an appropriate amount of work to teach him important life lessons that you want a man that you're dating to know about. You can teach him feminist philosophy. You can lend him books that were very important to you when you were his age, and think that he'll get something out of. You can even start small, by doing something like showing him an old movie that you love. Today's youth really are not up on anything that happened before they were born, so you can blow his mind with the simplest things.

Speaking of blowing his mind; the place where you're going to be able to blow his mind more than anywhere else is probably in bed. He may be a young buck, and really good at giving you that young d, but you will surely have to give him some instruction along the way to make sure he's giving you everything that you want him to. You're going to be making sure he has an incredible time in return, and show him things that there's no way girls his age have learned yet, and when the day comes where you stop seeing each other, they're going to be trying to teach your moves to every woman that he dates moving forward, until he gets to the age where he's dating women as sexually experienced as you again. The things that you teach him about pleasing a woman, are going to be things that he takes with him into every relationship and hookup that he has as he gets older, and the better you leave him, the better the sex is out there for young women, who're still suffering through more bad sex than they should have to be. So you'll be doing him a favor, but also your fellow women.


There's a good chance that if you're dating a younger man, there's going to be a jealous woman his age, whether it's a friend, an ex, or a co-worker in the picture. This is the type of drama that you probably haven't had to deal with since you were in high school or university. When it first rears its ugly head, you might even feel a little traumatized by it. PTSD from your youth might become an issue for the first time it happens. Dealing with these types of jealous women is something that as a woman your age, you thought you would never have to experience again, and that was a huge relief. But expect at least one of these distractions to show up. Swat them away like the pests that they are, and if they get too bad, let your young man know that you're not going to put up with that nonsense, and if he wants to continue dating (and enjoying all of that mind blowing sex), he's going to deal with the situation, and make sure they never bother you again.

You've been behind the wheel for most of this relationship, so it's time for him to step up and take charge of something. If he's not willing to, then you either have to decide between dissolving the relationship, or taking matters into your own hands, and making sure that the young nuisance understands that you understand what they're going through, but that's a young woman's game, and at your age, you don't play those games. So if they want to see how you play, to keep it up, and continue pushing you until your patience runs out. There'll likely be terrified (rightfully so), and never bother you again.

Meeting The Friends

If you're dating someone significantly younger than you, the issue of meeting the friends is something that you have to figure out eventually. You're probably going to put it off for a long time, but if you're dating, and not just hooking up, it's impossible to avoid.

Remember those moments where you said something very basic and they told you you were so smart? Well you're going to have to just pray that you don't have a repeat occurrence when they're hanging out with your friends for the first time, or else it's going to be a nightmare. Maybe first take them out to meet one or two of your closest friends, rather than throwing them into the deep end by bringing them to a friend's birthday party or wedding.

On the flip side, you meeting his friends is going to be one of the most unique experiences you have. Hopefully they have a great group of friends, but expect there to be a fairly big disconnect between you and them. It will definitely remind you how much of your relationship is based on sex.


One thing that you might not know about the dating lives of young people, is that they love sending each other naked pictures of themselves in order to show their partners that they're thinking about them, and to remind them of what they're going to get later that night. If that doesn't sound like something you want to do, we understand, but also think you should consider whether or not you want those sexy pictures of him. If you do, you have to reciprocate. Just search the internet for "sexts" or "nude cell phone pics" for examples of how to pose for them. To start at least, you'll probably want to make sure that your head isn't in the photo. It would surely be sexier if your face was involved, but if you don't know your boy toy terribly well, it's probably best to start off that way, and if things go well with him, and you trust that he's not the type of cutie who's going to share your pictures with the internet or his friends, you can start putting that pretty face of yours in there, pouting like you're sad that he's not naked in the room with you.

Young people also typically like to text alllll the time. Sometimes you'll get lucky and find yourself dating or hooking up with someone who isn't about that constant text message life. If not, then we hope you like being asked "how u doing?" daily. Also, if they send you a text with a bunch of eggplant emojis, that means those are supposed to be his penis, and he's telling you that he's going to give it to you good later. If you reply with a splash emoji, it'll mean that you're wet. ... That's really about as complicated as sexting gets. It's not difficult, but sometimes more effort than it's worth.

Is It Okay To Date Younger Men? - LonelyWifeHookups.com

Are you an older woman who's been fantasizing about young studs, and wondering if it's okay to date younger men? LonelyWifeHookups.com says, 'Yes! Do it!'

Is It Okay To Date Younger Men? - LonelyWifeHookups.com