


Why Are MILFS so desirable?

More younger men are dating MILFS these days. But what brought on this trend? Why are MILFS so desirable right now? LonelyWifeHookups.com has the answers!


You may not notice it as much out in public, but there's definitely a relatively new narrative in the dating world, which is finding a lot more younger men dating older women. MILFS or Cougars, as they're often called by the media. If you thought that men were only interested in one thing, you're still probably not wrong. Just because a younger man is dating an older woman doesn't mean that that relationship isn't based largely on sex. The sex drive of an older woman, along with the experience that she's gained throughout her life is something that increases both the pleasure of her sexual partners, as well as her desire for sex.

We've seen great progress in recent years in the realm of gender equality, and part of that has included a renewed spirit of sexual freedom in older women. As more women are fighting and speaking up for what they want, older women are standing up and letting the world know that they're not done living yet. That they still feel sexy, and still want to get out there and have sex.

Unfortunately (or maybe fortunately) for them, there's the long standing cliche that when they hit middle age, men become incredibly insecure (if they weren't already), and in order to compensate, or to make themselves feel better about themselves, they date women who are young enough that they could be their daughters. This makes them feel young again, and like they've still got it! If older men can have that though, it's about time that older women can get it on with some younger dudes as well. After all, which do you think is going be better in bed at 50 years old? A man, or a woman?

So with this increase in women being proactive, and getting what they want, along with a decade plus of the media showing the "MILF" as a sexy and reasonable type of woman for a young man to be attracted to, it's allowed MILFS and younger men to date far more frequently than they had in the past.

Those are the big things that are leading to men dating MILFS more frequently than ever before, but there are a lot of other ingredients that make this the latest hot trend in the dating world. If you've got a bit of time, let's take a closer look at some of them, and hopefully at the end, we'll have a better understanding of what's coming over young men.

Sexual Experience

We already mentioned this, but it's worth expanding on a little bit. Having sex with a MILF is a much, much different type of sexual experience than having sex with a woman in her 20s. A MILF has been around for multiple decades longer than your average young sexpot. MILFS don't play any games, and know exactly what they want out of a relationship. They've dated every type of man on earth probably, so they don't have to waste their time on terrible dates with boring conversations and bad sex like we all did when we were younger.


If you're on a dating site and hookup with a MILF, there's not going to be any mystery about what it is they're looking to get from you. If they're looking to date, they'll tell you, and ask you straight up if you're on the same page as them. If you're not, they might suggest you have sex, but then never contact them again. If you're lucky they won't blow your mind/junk off so incredibly that you decide you wouldn't mind dating them after all.



If you're out there dating, and trying to find the person for you, you know that it's an exciting but sometimes confusing world. There are a lot of hurdles and land mines that really make it difficult for people who're attracted to certain types of people, to date the people that they want to, because they might not meet the media's image of beauty. There are a lot of large men and women who find it difficult to date for this reason. There are even people who're attracted to large women, who date them in secret, because they're afraid of how their friends, family, and co-workers would react to the sight of their partner. In the privacy of their homes, the relationship is incredible, but there's a sadness to it because of the secrecy. This same irrational taboo has been attached to dating older women for a long time.

Dating an older girl when you're in high school or university is considered cool, but if you stretch the age gap too far, many people think that the difference in age is inappropriate. After years of seeing films and television programs that feature older men dating younger women though, we're finally beginning to see MILFS dating young attractive men represented in film, and the exposure that it's gaining through that is doing a lot to push the world to begin being more accepting of relationships between younger men and MILFS.


It may surprise you (though it shouldn't) but many older women who enter into relationships with younger men, are fairly well-off financially, and find themselves at a place in their lives where they're looking to get what it is that they REALLY want. They're not looking to hook up with someone their own age, who probably hasn't looked after their body as much as they have, and who can't get it up without popping a little blue boner pill. So just like older men have done in the past, and continue to do today, they will happily date a younger man, and look after him financially to both make sure he's happy, but also make sure he knows who's in charge in the relationship. Though many people might look at the situation as the woman being taken advantage of, we've found that's not the case at all.

Men also love this because of how many years they've been the ones who had to pick up the dinner bill four out of five times.

Dating an older woman and "taking advantage" of her financial security is something that often works out very well for college students who have a lot of costs that are difficult for them to pay for, like their textbooks, rent, and food. Because the MILF is financially well off, she doesn't mind one bit making sure that her boy toy is comfortable. It only means that their sex will be better after all.


There's not enough that can be said about the learning that goes on when a younger guy finds himself dating an older woman. We've all been in relationships where conversation dries up. Especially in the time of social media and texting, where we're constantly checking in with each other, and updating the world about our every move. When you see your partner at the end of the day, sometimes there won't even be a reason to ask how their day was, because you already know 80% of what they did. Older women are typically not as keyed into sites like Facebook or Instagram, so when you see them at the end of a long day, you actually have something to talk about over dinner.

And even if you find yourself dating a MILF who's constantly on Twitter, the fact that they've lived as long as they have, means that they're not going to run out of things to talk to you about for a long long time. Their lifetime of knowledge and lessons can be yours so long as you manage to ask the right questions. Being told stories about what it's like in different countries, or being exposed to art that you wouldn't have been otherwise, is a giant reason for young men to date older women. It can sometimes feel like a free education.

If you ever find yourself dating younger women again, you'll be a much more interesting partner as well. You'll be able to impress your dates with the lifetime of knowledge that you've acquired. That's not even including all of the sex moves you'll have learned, and can take with you into all your future relationships. Those are really going to impress the ladies, and it will all be thanks to taking a chance on dating a MILF back in the day.

Subconscious Thoughts

This is a bit uncomfortable, and nobody wants to really acknowledge it, because it makes both the man and woman feel weird, but a lot of the attraction that many men have is related to their childhoods, and loving their mothers. It makes it feel even more awkward when you're using terminology like "Mother I'd Like to Fuck" to describe your girlfriend to your friends, or they're using it when talking about her.

Many men who date older women, do try to avoid dating women that look like their mothers, or are in the same age range as them. Here's the funny thing though. Sometimes, you just don't notice it until you're too late. A young man could think that the MILF he's hooking up with looks nothing like his mom, but then the moment they find themselves in a situation that resembles a mother/son situation, it becomes clear to them that they do, and that might be a big part of why they're attracted to them. At that point, it becomes a matter of whether or not they can continue to date the MILF, and push aside the fact that they remind them of their mother every now, and continue to have a great relationship with them.


MILF porn has become a much bigger thing in the adult entertainment industry lately, and in some instances, does even better than films with younger actresses (depending on who the star is, of course). It's also become a way for female pornstars to continue being in films, past the date that they probably expected to be, when they started.

As men grow up and get older, so do the pornstars that were their companions through their dry spells, when real women weren't interested in having sex with them. So while a pornstar might have been 26 when they started watching their work, if they've grown attached to them over the years, and she's now in their 40s, doing MILF porn, that's a gateway into dating MILFS. If men are watching MILF porn, and getting off to it, it only makes sense that they would also enjoy actually enjoy having sex with a MILF, so they try it.

Online Dating

Online dating has made almost every element of dating easier, and that includes narrowing in your wants and desires for what type of person you're looking for. So if you go on your favorite dating site, and want to date a MILF, it's easy as can be. You just need to up the age range, and click the box that says "Has kids"! Sure, sometimes the term is used to just describe an older woman, who's sexy, but might not have kids. So if you want to date a MILF without kids, that's fine too.

MILFS Know What They Want

There's no guessing games with MILFS. And isn't that the worst part of dating younger women? When communication isn't clear, and you're expected to guess what it is that your girlfriend wants to do on date night, it can start your time together off on the wrong foot. More often than not, a MILF knows exactly what she wants, and she's not interested in trusting her man to guess, so she'll just tell them what they're going to do.

That sort of confidence and take control attitude is beyond sexy, and definitely a key piece to the puzzle of why MILFS are so desirable. Of course the best way for you to find out, is to go out with a MILF to experience it first hand.

Why Are MILFS so desirable? - LonelyWifeHookups.com

More younger men are dating MILFS these days. But what brought on this trend? Why are MILFS so desirable right now? LonelyWifeHookups.com has the answers!

Why Are MILFS so desirable? - LonelyWifeHookups.com