Looking for the best Las Vegas cougar bars? Where the hot spots to pick up older women are? LonelyWifeHookups.com has you covered with this free directory. Las Vegas's Cougar Bar Scene has a lot of stuff going on around it to compete with, so you better believe that the cougars and MILFs in this town bring the sexiness hard. We should give you a bit more information about the scene before we get to the directory though.
Though a lot of people think that prostitution is legal in Las Vegas, we want to be sure you know that it isn't. It's legal in many Nevada counties, but Clark County (which Las Vegas is in) is not one of them. That of course doesn't do much to deter sex workers from working the strip. It's out of control how much money is being spent there every day and night by gamblers, so it would almost be foolish for escorts to not take their chances. We bring up prostitution in Las Vegas for the sole purpose that there are a lot of older sex workers out there, who in another city would be an obvious cougar on the prowl, looking to take a young stud back to her place for a free good time. In Vegas however, you'll sometimes spend a half hour chatting up a cougar that you think is looooving you but who is in fact a sex worker, and is going to expect cash up front once you get back to your room. That's perfectly fine, but we're going to keep our list to spots that are unlikely to have many professional cougars on the clock at them.
Before we get to the directory though, you'll probably do well to check out this great list of hookup rules that can and should be applied at every Las Vegas Cougar Bar you visit on your trip. Our favorite is probably to "be prepared for whatever may happen after the bars empty out," because an after party is almost always happening in Vegas, and after parties are where things can really get wild.
Unlike most cities, Las Vegas's hookup spots aren't necessarily at their best on Thursday, Friday, and Saturday nights. Being the city that never sleeps allows all hours to work in Vegas. LonelyWifeHookups.com has spent many sleepless days (and nights) trying to find the best times and days to go out and have the most fun at hot Las Vegas cougar bars, and miraculously have discovered that you can hookup and have sex at any time of day in Las Vegas. It's a truly magical place; and not just because of the Penn and Teller Theatre.
Okay, okay. You want to know where the best spots to get picked up by cougars in Las Vegas are. Without any further ado, here's the list!
Las Vegas is already the city that doesn't sleep, thanks to its reputation for non-stop excitement, gambling, magic shows, concerts, comedy, and the out of this world showmanship that every casino on the strip exhibits in order to get you to walk through their doors. With all of those bright lights, razzle, and dazzle on display, we half-dread thinking about how tired you're going to be after spending as much time on your trip as we know you're going to want to, at Las Vegas cougar bars on top of all of that! We're exhausted just thinking about it. Vegas is definitely one of the most invigorating spots around.
You're almost certainly going to need a bit of downtime (at least a few weeks!) to recharge your batteries before setting off on your next MILF-venture across the U.S.A.. So we're not trying to pressure you into starting to think about that trip before you're ready to, but once you've rested up, and are ready to see what types of older women other cities have to offer, we need to tell you that one of our absolute favorites is Philadelphia. You might know Philadelphia best for its cheesesteak sandwiches, for having one of the indisputable top 2 baseball mascots in the world, or for being the birthplaces of both Rocky Balboa and the Fresh Prince of Bell-Air, but after you've been there and explored the cougar and MILF scene, you're going to have your life turned upside down, and be screaming, "Oh, Aunt Viv!" in your dreams.